Research & Equipment Grants

Medical School Faculty Research Funding and Equipment Grants Program 

Faculty research funding and equipment grants are awarded to Medical School faculty for basic and clinical research. Priority is given on a needs basis to new faculty, bridge funding during lapse of an NIH R01 or similar type grant, and equipment funding.

Historically, more than 40 percent of all grant recipients have been able to use the data they have gathered—and the conclusions they have drawn from that data—to leverage substantially larger awards from other sources, such as the NIH and NSF. It has not been uncommon for a Faculty Research and Equipment grant of $15,000 or less to produce data that eventually generate a $1 million award. And approximately 45 percent of all grant recipients publish the results of their investigations.

Requests for funding may be made at any time, using the Medical School Funding Request form.

Please closely review the application guidelines. For more information about faculty research and equipment grants, contact Steph Hulting at [email protected].