Our team did an excellent job representing CLHSS at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2024 Annual Meeting.

CLHSS hosted a booth at the conference and exhibited materials to educate attendees on learning health systems science and our work as a center. Additionally, we co-hosted an LHS Discussion Forum Breakfast on November 12.

LHS Discussion forum

Several of our members presented their work via oral presentations and poster sessions as well. One of these abstracts was presented by Sammy Thatipelli, a medical student who has continuously been involved in our Digital Technology Innovation (DTI) Program. Sammy’s presentation focused on VisualDX, a product DTI is supporting that provides the ability to build differential diagnoses including with the use of AI, and provides reference images to identify conditions by their appearance across a wide variety of skin tones.

Sammy Thatipelli presenting VisualDX abstract

We look forward to joining AMIA again next year!