Meet the newest Stem Cell Biology M.S. students

Sarah Klingenberg

Sarah Klingenberg has a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Minnesota and joined the program in Spring 2022. She is passionate about stem cell biology and immunology and their potential for modern medicine. Sarah was drawn to the stem cell program because of a long-lived passion for understanding molecular signaling, differences in cell cycle control, potency states of stem cells, and their vast implications in diseases and as potential therapeutics. She plans to enroll in a PhD program that encompasses research of diseases and therapeutics that incorporate cell replacement therapy, genetic engineering, and related interventions.

Sonam Srivastava

Sonam Srivastava earned her undergraduate degree in Biotechnology in India. Since her goal is a research career in translational medicine, the Stem Cell Biology Masters Program was an obvious choice. According to Sonam "The interdisciplinary nature of the program has allowed me learn and interact with professors over a wide spectrum of research areas and to work for a year in the lab of my choice which is a great opportunity to learn to think and implement that knowledge in the field."  Sonam began working in Dr. Jaime Modiano's lab in January 2022 where she will conduct the research for her thesis.


Seth Johnson

Seth Johnson came to the program after earning an undergraduate degree in Biology from St. Olaf College. He was drawn to the Stem Cell Biology M.S. program because of his interest in the diverse uses of stem cells to model and treat disease. He is excited to explore the stem cell field and practice laboratory skills. He plans to pursue a professional degree in Biomedical Science in the future. Seth began working in Dr. Walter Low's lab in January 2022 where he will conduct the research for his thesis.


Zainab Khalid

Zainab Khalid completed an undergraduate degree in Pakistan before joining the Stem Cell Biology Master's Program with support of a Fulbright scholarship.  Her passion for Stem Cell Biology started after the death of her father. The experience led her to define her goals and apply to the Stem Cell Biology M.S. program.  Zianab says "This program has given me the opportunity to be one step closer to my dream and all this happened because of the Fulbright Scholarship. My ultimate objective is to become a neuroscientist and to teach the notion of stem cell biology to people in my home country, and this master's program has been really helpful in that regard, by providing both exposure to outstanding mentors and in terms of direct research experience."  Zainab began working in Dr. Ann Parr's lab in January 2022 where she will conduct the research for her thesis.

 See what graduates of the Stem Cell Biology Master's Program are doing now.