PM&R Chief Resident, Dr. Amanda Day, spearheaded a fun initiative for the community to get to know our residents. This month's PM&R resident spotlight is on fourth-year Dr. Paul Bruhnding. 

What drew you to the University of Minnesota PM&R Program?
The culture of the residency was second to none! The training sites were diverse and loaded with unique opportunities within the local PM&R community. Finally, Dr. Tonkin- need I say more?!

What is your favorite thing about our residency program?
Learning from the amazing staff at the Minneapolis VA comprehensive Pain Center, witnessing the excellent patient rapport of Dr. Jess Olson, and going through this formative experience of residency with some really quality and caring people (especially my other PGY4s).

As you graduate, what advice would you give to your fellow PM&R residents?
Get hands-on early. Everybody has to start somewhere- thus the earlier you dive in, the faster you'll become adept at whatever skills you're seeking.

What do you love about Minneapolis?
It's a major metropolitan area with cornfields and dirt roads 30 minutes outside of downtown. You can bike the Greenway, go to the Lakes, eat at an amazing restaurant, and be at a State Park all in a single afternoon.

What are your post-grad plans?
Pain Medicine Fellowship.

What are some fun facts about yourself?

  • I was born at the same hospital that I'm currently rotating at
  • I prefer to never run over 1 mile (because what's the point!?)
  • In second grade, I first wrote that I wanted to become a "docter" when I grow up. And yep, I used that spelling.
  • My last name used to be hyphenated. (Where would you put the "-"???)

Follow the PM&R residency program's Instagram account for more social interactions! 

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