The State of Maternal and Neonatal Survival through Global and Domestic Lenses

After months of the ongoing pandemic, COVID-19 numbers are continuing to rise. According to statistics presented by Johns Hopkins University, in the last 11 months, the United States alone has had over one million cases. Even with the vaccine distribution beginning back in mid-December, medical officials say there may be darker days ahead before COVID-19 challenges ease up. In light of statistics showing that COVID cases continue to rise steadily, National Interest reached out to a dozen medical professionals to get their take on the current pandemic climate and what is in store for us in the future. 

Jill Foster, MD, Professor and Division Director for the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology at the University of Minnesota, was one of these twelve medical professionals interviewed. She comments on limitations surrounding transmission prevention and what we need as a society to help stop the spread of the pandemic. To read Dr. Foster’s full response and more quotes by the other medical professional, please follow this link.