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BTRC - Biotechnology Research Center

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BTRC - Biotechnology Research Center

CMRR is a biotechnology research center (BTRC), funded by National Centers for Research Resources, NIH (P41 RR008079) until 2012, and currently funded by National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) (P41 EB027061). The central aim in this BTRC is to advance technologies in high and ultrahigh field magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy and its biomedical applications. As part of this mission, BTRC in CMRR supports collaborative and service projects using its instrumental and human resources.

To apply for BTRC project support, submit a project request through PARS. The PARS Operations committee serves as the P41 Operations and Steering committee.

NINDS ICC (Institutional Center Core) Grant


NINDS ICC (Institutional Center Core) Grant

The CMRR ICC is funded by a NINDS Institutional Center Core Grants to Support Neuroscience Research (P30) (P30 NS076408) to provide infrastructure support in order to advance the NIH Blueprint institutes' missions to further the understanding of the functions and disorders of the nervous system. The goal of providing this support is to assure a greater productivity than would be possible from the separate projects alone.

To apply for ICC project support funds, submit a project request through PARS.

If you are considering a project at the CMRR, feel free to contact us to discuss your project.

To apply for NINDS or BTRC project support at the CMRR, please use our online application system PARS.