Center for Magnetic Resonance Research News
U research taking brain research deeper and further
Traditional magnetic resonance imagining, or MRI, machines have their patients drawn into a large, noisy tube.
U of M Professors Developing Miniature MRI Machine
Although the technology would be designed for neurologists initially, the smaller MRI would also be capable of traveling to developing countries to study brain imaging in other cultures.
Kamil Ugurbil, PhD Receives Medical School Publication Award
The Wall is located on the 2nd Floor of the Phillips-Wangensteen Building near Freshii and the Bio-Medical Library.
10.5T reached!
CMRR's new magnet reached 10.5T for the first time today.
Artificial Pancreas Oxygenation Monitored
Scientists at the University of Minnesota have spent years developing a bioartificial pancreas, adapted from a commercially available product.
Multiband SWIFT's high resolution featured on the cover of JMR
A useful extension to SWIFT (SWeep Imaging with Fourier Transformation) utilizing sidebands of the excitation pulse is introduced.
Multiband SWIFT helps diagnose oral cancer
March 10, 2015 MB-SWIFT helps diagnose oral cancer in this month's AHC Health Talk.
Taming Tremors
July, 9 2015 A U medical team delivers precision stimulation to the brain, relieving the debilitating symptoms of disorders like Parkinson’s disease.
CMRR and HCMC collaborate to study traumatic brain injury effects on vision
Apr 22, 2016 CMRR and HCMC collaborate to study traumatic brain injury effects on vision
Kamil Ugurbil to receive 2019 IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology
Kamil Ugurbil, Director of CMRR, is to receive 2019 IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology