Women’s Health Research Collaboration Lab

Career-development and research collaborations platform for interdisciplinary women’s health and gender/sex-differences research collaborations to flourish at the University of Minnesota.

FY24 NIH Funding
Research Units


Robust, interdisciplinary women’s health and gender/sex-differences research collaborations across departments, schools and institutes are created and reinforced allowing for resource sharing, increased number of multidisciplinary team science and research outputs with impacts on women’s health through-out the life course. 


Create a community for interdisciplinary women’s health and gender/sex-differences research collaborations to flourish.  

Ongoing Opportunities for Connection 

Every month we host a Women’s Health Research Happy Hour where colleagues can come together and connect in a casual setting. No need to RSVP! Just come by when you can between 4-6pm the first Thursday of every month at the Campus Club.

We host a Virtual Office Hour the second Thursday of every month at 11-12pm CDT. RSVP

Join us for the 2024 Kick Off of the Women’s Health Research Collaborations Lab where we will reflect and connect in person with a group of interdisciplinary research faculty, staff, and trainees all interested in women’s health and/or sex or gender-differences research. RSVPView the Agenda.