Biology of Aging and Metabolism News Search
Total Search Results: 95 Matches
Displaying 1 - 20 of 95

New Publication in Nature Aging!
MiBAM has a new publication in Nature Aging! Check it out.Clearance of p21 highly expressing senescent cells accelerates cutaneous wound healing - Full Pub ...
Aging MDT

Please welcome our newest faculty member, Dr. Ming Xu!
Dr. Ming Xu joined iBAM in December of 2025. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics and part of the College of Biological Sciences. ...
Aging MDT

14th Annual Alliance Meeting for Healthy Aging
The 14th Annual Alliance Meeting for Healthy Aging Meeting will be held March 21-23, 2025 in Jacksonville, Florida. The abstract submission deadline is Friday, January 17th. Registration will...
Aging MDT

6th Annual Midwest Aging Consortium (MAC) Research Symposium
The registration and abstract submission for the 2025 Midwest Aging Consortium (MAC) Symposium are now open! This year's symposium will be held at the Hilton Rochester Mayo Clinic Area Hotel in...
Aging MDT

New Publication: The Fifth Annual Symposium of the Midwest Aging Consortium
New Publication: The Fifth Annual Symposium of the Midwest Aging Consortium. Full Pub here.
Aging MDT

New Publication: A machine learning approach identifies cellular senescence on transcriptome data of human cells in vitro.
New Publication: A machine learning approach identifies cellular senescence on transcriptome data of human cells in vitro. Full Pub here.Dr. Shamsed...
Aging MDT

iBAM receives $15M investment from the Minnesota Masonic Charities
The Minnesota Masonic Charities announced a $15M investment to the University of Minnesota, Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism (iBAM) for aging biology research. Full article here.
Aging MDT

New iBAM Publications - Check them out!
Cellular senescence in acute human infectious disease: a systematic review. - Full Pub here.STOP-Sepsis Investigators. Senolytics To slOw Progression of Sepsis...
Aging MDT

Congratulations, Dr. Anna Carey!
Anna Carey, graduate student in the Camell Lab, gave a successful thesis defense earlier this month. Congratulations, Dr. Carey!
Aging MDT

New P01 Grant - The role of senescent cells in dysregulating immune responses and pathogen control!
Congratulations to Drs. Niedernhofer, Robbins, Camell, Dong and other UMN collaborators on receiving this P01 award! More details here.
Aging MDT

Welcome Jonathan Pundsack, our new Director of Internal Operations!
Jonathan Pundsack joins us as iBAM’s new Director of Internal Operations. He brings a breadth of experience and we are excited to have him as part of the team. Welcome, Jonathan!
Aging MDT

2024 Highly Cited Researchers List - Drs. Niedernhofer and Robbins
Our Directors, Drs. Niedernhofer and Robbins, made the most-cited researchers list for 2024. Of the world’s population of scientists, the researchers on this list are 1 in 1,000. Congratulations!...
Aging MDT

Article: U of M researchers uncover the link between stress, aging and senescent cells.
UMN medical school highlighted iBAM's research: U of M researchers uncover the link between stress, aging and senescent cells . Check out the full publication in Nature Aging!
Aging MDT

iBAM participated in the Ninth International Cell Senescence Association (ICSA) Conference in November 2024.
Drs. Laura Niedernhofer, Paul Robbins, and Allancer Nunes were invited to participate in the Ninth International Cell Senescence Association Conference in Puerto Varas, Chile. Dr. Nunes is...
Aging MDT

Minnesota B1G Big Ten Network Impact Research Vignettes - Healthy Aging
Check out the new Healthy Aging vignette that aired on B1G in October 2024!
Aging MDT

New Publication: miR-96-5p expression is sufficient to induce and maintain the senescent cell fate in the absence of stress.
Congratulations to Drs. Niedernhofer, Robbins, Dong and staff on their newest publication! Dr. Fernando Santiago was first author.Check out the full publication here!
Aging MDT

Annual iBAM Retreat to Itasca State Park
It was another successful iBAM Retreat! We had chaired sessions where trainees of different levels presented their active research projects. The best presentations were chosen by faculty vote....
Aging MDT

Korbyn Dahlquist's publication was recently highlighted on the NIH/NIA website!
Korbyn Dahlquist, graduate student in the Camell lab, was highlighted on the NIH/NIA website. Congratulations on your publication, Korbyn!
Aging MDT