Research Support

We are dedicated to supporting faculty research endeavors, especially young faculty and faculty new to our research foci.

We will support your research through assistance with:

  • Identifying collaborations 
  • Finding funding opportunities
  • Preclinical and large animal study support
  • Assistance with  experimental design and study conduct
  • Clinical trials experimental design and study coordination


Center-Specific Resources

Writing Support: The Center provides editing and writing support, especially for young investigators and those new to this area of research. If interested in support, please submit your request via this form.

Facilities/Equipment: The Center has templates for the Facilities and Equipment sections of your application. There is a writeup for commonly used Departments, Institutes and Centers.

Facilities Equipment

NIH Human Subjects Document Resource: The Center has created an NIH human subjects document resource, including a guide for filling out the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information and boilerplate documents. The resource can be found here.

K-award outlines: The Center has created outlines for all of the major K-award documents, located here.

Military Health and Relevance Statement: The Center has created a Military Health and Relevance Statement Guide, complete with tips on how to write a statement and a few example statements.

Note for our non-UMN Center Members: All of the documents are set as view-only for UMN members. If you would like to have access to any of these resources, please contact Amanda Hayward ([email protected]).


University of Minnesota Resources

Free Biostatistics Consulting

The Division of Biostatistics is offering statistical consulting free of charge in conjunction with the biostatistical consulting course for their graduate students during Spring semester 2025.  

  • Consulting sessions will be with a Division of Biostatistics faculty member and at most two biostatistics graduate students
  • Meetings are scheduled for up to 1 hour and are free of charge
  • Follow-up meetings will be available throughout the semester (and also free)
  • It is expected that the graduate students will be primarily responsible for all consulting work, but the faculty member will take an active role in advising the students throughout the process.
  • All consulting work, including any follow-up work, must be able to be completed during the current semester. 
  • Support includes study design, sample size/power calculations, statistical analysis & interpretation, and statistical sections of grants/manuscripts
  • Support does not include tutoring for biostatistics courses

** Arrangements will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. **

More information is located on the course webpage here.

If you are interested in an appointment, contact Megan Schlick at [email protected].  

For questions, please contact one of the instructors: Ann Brearley <[email protected]> or Benjamin Langworthy <[email protected]>.

Protocol Writing Program

The Medical School Research Office is offering a Protocol Writing Program focused on human subjects research protocols. This online course will teach participants about the IRB Protocol Writing process, how to navigate services at the University of Minnesota, and how to make sure that your IRB protocol pairs well with the scientific aims of your research project. This opportunity is open to all members of the research community. Sign up here!

Grant Submission Resources

SPA Deadline Calculator

MS Pre-award and Proposal Team

MS Intent to Submit Survey (