
You get paid to earn your doctorate in the MICaB Program.  The current stipend rate for all MICaB graduate students is $34,320.

Tuition Benefits

You do not have to pay tuition.  We pay that for you either through the MICaB program or your advisor.  Graduate assistants who hold at least a 25% time appointment (195 hours per semester) receive tuition benefits (tuition waivers) equal to twice the percentage of their appointment for the semester in which they hold the appointment. For example, those holding an appointment of 50% or more will receive a 100% tuition benefit. A 50% appointment is typical for a MICaB student.

Health Care

The health care plan offered to graduate assistants is quite comprehensive and one of the best in the nation.  Because the University picks up a significant portion of the tab, it is relatively inexpensive to you. The MICaB program covers 100% of the Graduate Assistant Health insurance premium during the first two years of the program.  After year two, students are responsible for 5% of the premium (~$196/semester). You are also eligible to enroll your dependents for health insurance under the same plan in which you enroll, with the University subsidizing a portion of the cost of the dependent premiums as well.  Plan design and premiums are subject to change from year to year.

Students taking at least 6 credits (or 1 FTE) are required to carry hospitalization insurance. Graduate students can obtain health and dental care benefits by purchasing the University sponsored Health Benefit Plan, or, if employed as graduate assistants with at least a 25% appointment, by enrolling in the Graduate Assistant Health Insurance Plan.  Coverage in the Graduate Assistant Health Insurance Plan continues as long as a student’s graduate assistantship remains at 25% or more. Students with coverage in spring semester will be covered through the summer even if the student is not working as a graduate assistant. Health care coverage will end if a student leaves their graduate assistant appointment before the end of the term. Students have the option of purchasing continuing coverage at their own expense. 

Dental Care

The Boynton Health Service Dental Clinic provides dental care for students on the Graduate Assistant HealthPlan. Please identify yourself as a Graduate Assistant Health Benefit Plan member and have your student ID number ready when making appointments for yourself or your dependents to assure that you receive appropriate discounts on services. 

Student Fees

MICaB pays student fees (~$675/semester for domestic students and ~$960/semester for international students) and the 5% health insurance premium (~$196/semester) during a student’s first two years in the program. 

At the start of Year 3, these student fees are reduced drastically due to students being eligible for 1 FTE (full-time status equivalence) and tuition being greatly reduced.  The student’s advisor may agree to pay the fees and the 5% health insurance premium if they are willing and able. If the advisor does not pay the fees, it is the responsibility of the student to pay them each semester starting the fall of their third year.  Student fees starting in year three are currently ~$84/semester for domestic students and ~$370/international students.   

Fellowship Opportunities

The Graduate School also administers a number of University-wide fellowships and grants.  Stay up to date on these opportunities here: Graduate School Funding