Fitzakerley Lab


Immunohistochemistry staining for proteins in the natriuretic peptide pathway imaged using a confocal microscope.  Left image from cochlea; center and right from heart.

Our lab investigates the role of natriuretic peptides in hearing, and in hypertension.

Natriuretic peptides function as both local and systemic hormones, and they are involved in the regulation of fluid balance in many regions of the body. We are currently funded to investigate the changes in natriuretic peptide expression and function that occur in the heart during the earliest stages of hypertension. We also have a long-standing interest in determining the function of natiruretic peptides in the cochlea.

Research Techniques

- Confocal imaging
- Auditory brainstem response recording
- Blood pressure recordings
- Biochemistry and molecular biology techniques (protein assays, qRT-PCR, etc.)
- Transgenic mouse models


- Patricia Kingsley (Lab technician)
- Joel Madson (Medical Student)

Andrea Hille

- Andrea Hille (Undergraduate student) 

Janet Fitzakerley

Janet L Fitzakerley, Ph.D. (PI)
(218) 726-7012
Office Address:
Department of Biomedical Sciences
307 SMed
1035 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812

Full Bio
