Core Equipment
Biomedical Sciences Equipment Core
The Department of Biomedical Sciences core equipment facilities are located throughout the second and third floor of the Medical School or in the neighboring MWAH building. All faculty labs have access to these facilities and the equipment is maintained by the department. Key contact personnel for each piece of equipment are listed. Training for each piece of equipment is required and can be arranged through the PI or lab members. If no one is available, please contact Annette Rod ([email protected]) to arrange orientation and training.
Shared Equipment Available
Many of our pieces of equipment are shared and available to use by faculty and lab staff. Each piece of equipment listed below is hyperlinked to a document where you can find necessary information.
General Lab Equipment
Steam Sterilizers
Cell Metabolic Analysis
Seahorse XF96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer
Whitley H35 HEPA Hypoxystation
Sample Prep and Quantification
Amersham Semi-dry Transfer Apparatus
Bio-Rad Mini Protean Gel Electrophoresis System
Quibit Fluorometers
Ultrasonic Processor, Sonicator
Molecular Imaging
Bio-Rad Chemi-Doc MP Chemi-IR-UV Imager
Bio-Rad GS 505/525 Phosphorimager
Multi-Well Plate Assays
Leica ASP 300 automatic tissue processor
Leica EG1160 Embedding Station
Leica SM2010 R Sliding Microtome
Microm HM 505 E Cryostat
Reichert-Jung BioCut 2030 Rotary Microtome
Thermo Microm HM 550 Cryostat
Rocher LightCycler 96
HP Workstation - Nikon NIS Elements Analysis
Leica DMi8 Inverted Epifluorescence
Nikon AXR Confocal
Nikon Eclipse Ni Upright Pathology
Nikon Eclipse TE300 Inverted Epifluorescence
Flow Cytometry
Bio-Rad ZE5 Cell Analyzer
Cell Culture Facilities
SMed 296 - Cell Culture Room
SMed 362 - Cell Culture Room
- Research Infrastructure Manager/Medical School Safety Officer
Annette Rod: [email protected]
2. Microscopy Manager
Jim Bjork: [email protected]