Slattery Lab

Current Lab Members

Matthew Slattery, PhD

portrait of Dr. Matthew Slattery, Associate Professor in neuroscience.




Sarah E. Lacher, PhD

Sarah lacher

Dr. Lacher is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Her research focuses on characterizing cell-type specific patterns of gene regulation following exposure to various inducers of oxidative stress. Dr. Lacher received her BS in Biology with an emphasis in Secondary Education from University of Northern Colorado (2006). She then taught Secondary Science in Colorado before attending graduate school. Dr. Lacher earned a PhD in Toxicology from the University of Montana (2013), and was a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Minnesota Medical School (2013–2018). Dr. Lacher is a member of the Society of Toxicology, and is a Founding Executive Board Member of the newly established Special Interest Group, Out Toxicologists and Allies (OTA). She is also a member of Women in Toxicology (WIT), Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists (HOT) and the Northland Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology.

Salil Saurav Pathak, PhD 

Salil Pathak

Salil is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Minnesota Medical School. In his research, Salil is trying to understand how acute/chronic stress alters gene expression in mouse cerebellum and leads to disease. He integrates gene expression data with electrophysiology and mouse behavior to understand the stress response.  Salil received his Masters  in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from Tezpur University, India. He received his PhD from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India for his work on the role of histone demethylases in stress induced depression. 

Jennifer Krznarich, MS

Jennifer Krznarich

Jennifer Krznarich is a PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Her research project is focused on understanding how multiple stress responses regulate a specific glutamate-cystine transporter in the brain and the resulting functional impacts. Jennifer received her B.S. in Biology from McKendree University. After graduation, she worked as a Production Chemist for Sigma Aldrich in St. Louis and later worked as an Academic Advisor for Upward Bound Math and Science. In 2017, she earned her M.S. from the University of Minnesota, studying melatonin’s role within the circadian system of developing zebrafish. Jennifer is also passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM with a focus on equity through an intersectional lens. She has served as Northwoods Women in Science Vice President and President, and is a member of the Genetics Society of America.

Tessa Schumann, BA

portrait of Tessa Schumann, research graduate in the Lacher Lab, posing in a park.

Tessa Schumann is a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota Duluth. She graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, as well as minors in Spanish studies and psychology. She currently serves in a leadership position at the Duluth YMCA as interim Aquatics Coordinator and also coaches for the Duluth YMCA Northerns swim team. She was recently accepted into medical school at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, where she will begin her medical education in the fall of 2025. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, swimming, listening to music, and visiting local coffee shops!


*Lab Members names are bolded* 

Lab News
  • Fall 2022, Dan Levings begins position as Computational Biologist II at Adaptive Biotechnologies

  • Summer 2022, Dr. Lacher - "Using Functional Genomics to Dissect Wildfire Smoke-Induced Pulmonary Disease, " awarded from the American Lung Association

  • Fall 2020, Madison Brendon begins Pharmacy program at the University of Wisconsin

  • Spring 2020,  Dr. Lacher - “In Situ Dissection of NRF2-mediated HIF1A Expression Under Physiological O2 Tensions,” awarded from the Academic Investment Research Program (AIRP) of the UMN Medical School. 

  • Spring 2020, Dr. Slattery Awarded “Effects of social isolation embedded in the cerebellum of mouse models for autism spectrum disorder”, awarded from the Academic Investment Research Program (AIRP) of the UMN Medical School. 

  • Fall 2019- Spring 2020, Out Toxicologists and Allies, new special interest group of Society of Toxicology is established by Dr. Lacher (currently elected as Secretary-Treasurer)

  • Fall 2019, Sam Freeman begins PhD program at the University of Delaware

Former Lab Members

Juan Palacios Moreno, Entre Hermanos, Seattle's Latino LGBT Organization

Madison Brendon, Pharmacy Student, University of Wisconsin Madison

Samuel Freeman, PhD Student, University of Delaware

Derek Kohlhase, M.D., Boise, ID

J. Peter Glowacki, M.D., Saint Paul, MN

Keaton Joppru, M.D., La Crosse, WI

Joslynn Lee, Assistant Professor, Fort Lewis College, Colorado

Kirsten E. Shaw, M.D., Minneapolis, MN

Courtney Ryan, Sales Consultant at DePuy Synthes Companies, Duluth, MN

Jordan Treder, UMN Medical Student

Mariana Furio Franco Bernardes, PhD, Brazil

Brittney Berning, Operational Support Technician, FBI

Daniel C. Levings, PhD, Computational Biologist II at Adaptive Biotechnologies, MN

Current Lab Members

PI: Matthew Slattery, PhD, Associate Professor
Faculty: Sarah E. Lacher, PhD, Assistant Professor-Research Track
Postdoctoral Fellow: Salil Saurav Pathak, PhD
Graduate Student: Jennifer Krznarich, MS, PhD Candidate


Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Minnesota Medical School
1035 University Drive, SMed 264
Duluth, MN 55812
Phone: (218) 726-7223
Email:[email protected][email protected]