The Process

The Flexible MD process has three phases: Apply, Participate, and Return.


    1. Meet and discuss your plans with your Faculty Advisor, then...
    2. Complete a draft application, then...
    3. Meet with your Academic Advisor - Please visit your Academic Advisor's scheduling link to set up a meeting (Abbe's link, Addy's link, Betsy's link).  At this meeting your academic advisor will review your draft application, offer feedback and go over scheduling options. *
  2. UPDATE YOUR APPLICATION - Make adjustments to your application based on feedback from your Academic Advisor.
  4. MEET WITH FINANCIAL AID - The Medical School Financial Aid Office will reach out to you via email to schedule a 1:1 meeting. 

* DU students: If you do not yet have a TC Academic Advisor please select any listed on the form. For this required meeting an Academic Advisor will reach out to coordinate a phone call or video meeting.

Once a student submits their application final application, it is reviewed by the Flexible MD Oversight Committee. The committee will weigh the educational benefit of that particular student's experience and the goals they have set for it. The Flexible MD Oversight Committee meets three times a year to discuss applications received and will grant permission to students to participate and also make specific recommendations to approved students. Note: Applications have strict due dates.

Once a student is approved, the medical school's Office of Student Affairs will contact the student with specifics and, in conjunction with their Academic Advisor, will work with the student to prepare them for their experience, making sure the student meets any experience requirements and to ensure the student's individual medical school schedule is set-up.


Once a student is approved and is participating in their experience, their Academic and Faculty Advisors will periodically reach out, ensuring a continuous connection with the school, and to answer questions and direct the student to resources as needed. Prior to returning to the regular curriculum, students will be required to meet with their Advisors, to ensure they are prepared to return and direct them to resources.


Ten weeks prior to to returning to the regular curriculum all students are required to have a "Re-entry Meeting" with their Academic and Faculty Advisor (the student's Academic Advisor will coordinate this). This re-entry meeting helps to ensure the student is well prepared to return to the regular medical school curriculum and that they understand all the graduation requirements they still need to complete. Upon completion of the experience all students are required to submit a final report, due a few weeks after their return. The final reports allow participating students to summarize the experience they had and offer feedback to the Flexible MD program.