The shared synergy between IEM and VHL roots back to the Institute’s beginning

IEM is excited to welcome Visible Heart® Laboratories (VHL) officially into the Institute as of July 2024. Moving forward, VHL will be under IEM’s administrative umbrella, which will enable both entities to better focus on strengthening and building relationships between the University and industry.

The two entities have a long shared history. Paul Iaizzo, Director of VHL, notes that he has “been part of IEM since the beginning in 2000, serving as the associate director for education and outreach. I’ve always felt that VHL was a part of IEM, so it’s exciting to finally unite our two groups.”

“Our goals this year are to continue getting large federal grants and build larger partnerships with top medtech companies. VHL has a rich history with Medtronic; they just renewed their contract this year for another 5 years. We are excited to watch this relationship continue to grow and have IEM be a part of it.”  John Bischof, IEM Director