Research is the lifeblood of modern medicine, so IEM aims to help teams of medical and engineering researchers take their ideas to the next level. That level may require center-level funding (see the Center Accelerator), translational expertise (see Clinician Engagement), and/or connection to the University's amazing resources for high-level research.

IEM has helped secure more than $125M of research funding and has connected more than 55 clinicians with support for turning their ideas into marketable realities. Check out our Research Support pages and contact us with your great "engineering in medicine" ideas.

Below you will find a list of resources for researchers who are interested in applying engineering to medicine. If you have research needs that are not represented here or would like to list a resource, please contact us.

List of UMN resources:

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List of UMN resources:

Biopreservation Core Resource (BioCoR)

BioCoR at the University of Minnesota is to advance the science, technology and practice of preservation. (ISO/ESO)

Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR)

CMRR is an interdepartmental and interdiciplinary research laboratory providing state-of-the-art instrumentation, expertise, and infrastructure to carry out biomedical research utilizing the unique capabilities provided by high field MRI and MRS methodology. (ISO/ESO)

Center for Neuroengineering (CNE)

CNE is a campus-wide research center to promote interdisciplinary research and training in the field of neuroengineering. Participating faculty come from various departments and colleges including biomedical sciences and engineering and physical sciences.

The mission of the CNE is to advance neuroengineering research, foster collaborations between neuroscience and engineering faculty at the University of Minnesota and with industrial partners, and training of the next generation of leaders in this exciting field.

Characterization Facility (CharFac)

CharFac is a multi-user, shared instrumentation facility for materials research spanning from nanotechnology to biology and medicine. Analytical capabilities include microscopy via electron beams, force probes and visible light; elemental and chemical imaging including depth profiling; elemental, chemical and mass spectroscopy; atomic and molecular structure analysis via X-ray, ion or electron scattering; nanomechanical and nanotribological probes; and other tools for surface and thin-film metrology. (ISO/ESO)

Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)

CTSI offers researchers infrastructure and support to perform clinical and translational research. This includes training and assistance on topics including grant writing, clinical trial design, biostatistics and regulatory support.

Data Science Initiative (DSI)

DSI develops new methods, data sets, and software to address grand challenges in several different fields, including medicine. DSI also serves as a university-wide nexus of multi-disciplinary collaboration and information sharing.

Digital Technology Center (DTC)

DTC helps researchers integrate the following into their research projects: digital design, computer graphics and visualization, telecommunications, intelligent data storage and retrieval systems, distributed robotics, safety, security, and rescue, multimedia, datamining, scientific computation, wireless communications, advanced storage technologies, and other digital technologies. (ISO)

Experimental Surgical Services (ESS)

ESS provides expertise in designing and conducting the appropriate research to determine the safety and efficacy of medical devices and to determine if they are ready for regulatory submission. (ISO/ESO)

High-Throughput Biological Analysis Facility

The High-Throughput Biological Analysis Facility provides advanced lab automation and software tools for chemical biology and a wide range of other applications to academic users as well as scientists from industry. Our primary competencies are high-throughput screening, automated colony picking, and macro-arraying. However, the tools are very flexible and we strongly believe that non-traditional users may in fact benefit the most from adapting this equipment for their purposes.

High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (MNMR)

MNMR is a user facility whose goal is to make state-of-the-art instrumental resources available to researchers, providing a venue for them to pursue their projects and develop their experience in NMR methods. Available instruments include four Varian Inova NMR spectrometers at field strengths of 800 MHz (cold probe), 600 MHz (2) and 500 MHz with triple-axis gradients, a Bruker Avance 700 MHz NMR spectrometer with cryoprobe, and a full range of probes. Also housed in the facility are two high field Varian solid-state NMR spectrometers (600 MHz and 700 MHz). (ISO/ESO)

Lillehei Heart Institute (LHI)

LHI brings together faculty and students committed to cardiovascular scholarship, facilitating their interaction and allowing them to share core University resources.

Minnesota Nano Center (MNC)

MNC is a state-of-the-art facility for interdisciplinary research in nanoscience and applied nanotechnology. The Center offers a comprehensive set of tools to help researchers develop new micro- and nanoscale devices, such as integrated circuits, advanced sensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and microfluidic systems. The MNC is also equipped to support nanotechnology research that spans many science and engineering fields, allowing advances in areas as diverse as cell biology, high performance materials, and biomedical device engineering.

Minnesota Robotics Institute (MnRI)

MnRI is an outcome of the University of Minnesota’s Discovery, Research, and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) initiative that brings together interdisciplinary researchers to solve grand challenges and increase Minnesota’s position as a worldwide leader in robotics research and education. MnRI is housed in the world-class Gemini-Huntley Research Laboratory, made possible by a generous gift from Jim & Sharon Weinel and Fred & Siri Oss.

Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI)

MSI currently provides supercomputing resource allocations and technical support for the Sun Fire X4600 Linux cluster (Elmo), the BladeCenter Linux Cluster (Blade), the SGI Altix XE 1300 Linux Cluster (Calhoun), and the HP Linux Cluster (Itasca). (ISO/ESO)

Office of Academic and Clinical Affairs (OACA)

OACA works to find new solutions to vexing health care issues that help create a Minnesota-wide impact that moves knowledge to patients, and advances interprofessional education and clinical care.

Office of Discovery and Translation (ODAT)

ODAT supports you as you turn your innovation into a product, service or approach that improves human health. ODAT funding opportunities are open to University of Minnesota faculty with innovations for unmet human health needs. We prioritize projects that have identified a solution and are at the stage of solution design and testing.

Regenerative Medicine Minnesota (RMM)

RMM aims to improve the health of Minnesotans by advancing regenerative medicine. RMM research grants support Minnesota scientific and medical research that has the potential to translate to clinical advances in regenerative medicine. RMM biobusiness development grants allow investigators to develop Minnesota businesses and infrastructure to deliver regenerative medicine products and services.

Tissue Mechanics Laboratory

Tissue Mechanics Laboratory provides specialized instruments and methods to characterize the mechanical properties of soft biological materials, provide quantitative loads to living tissues, foster research in these areas, and provide a resource for the University community and industrial partners.


ISO = Internal Service Organization; ESO = External Service Organization