
Welcome, from Professor, Director of Education, & Joycelyn Elders Endowed Chair in Sexual Health Education, Dr. Kristen Mark
The Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health (ISGH) provides education in human sexuality in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, the Medical School, the University of Minnesota, and the wider community. Our programs are nationally and internationally recognized for advancing sexual and gender health education.
Our goals are to:
- Prepare physicians to provide primary care for sexual concerns of patients through undergraduate and graduate medical education
- Develop and implement a human sexuality curriculum for residents
- Provide training and experience in the therapy of sexual concerns, research, and community health promotion
- Provide continuing education to health professionals in treating sexual concerns, research, and community health promotion
- Promote knowledge, comfort, and awareness of human sexuality through Sexual Attitude Reassessment seminars
- Provide expert opinion and scientific information on human sexuality and sexual health concerns of the community
- Assist in the undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education mission of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
- Provide scientifically-sound information to the public in an accessible format to translate sexual and gender health science to the masses.