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Rider, G. N., McMorris, B. J., Brown, C.,* Eisenberg, M. E., Gower, A. L., Johnston-Goodstar, K., Filoteo, M., Singerhouse, E., & Martin, L. (2021, September 9-12). Emotional distress and healthcare- and school-related protective factors for transgender and gender diverse youth who trade sex: A population-based study [Oral presentation]. Submitted for the 25th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health.

Spencer, K., & Rider, G. N. (2021, April). Pleasure-oriented sex therapy with gender diverse clients: The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Invited workshop for the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (virtual format).


Brown, C., & Rider, G. N. (2020, March). ‘I never even considered my parents as people I could talk to about that’: Transgender and gender diverse youth-parent communication about sexual health. Research symposium accepted for the annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, San Diego, CA.

Domínguez, S., Budge, S., Katz-Wise, S., Young, E. Rider, G. N.Catalpa, J., & St. Amand, C. (2020, November). Bolstering trans youth resilience and wellbeing: Identifying successful strategies and future directions. State-of-the-Art symposium presented at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium (virtual conference).

Neiman, T. J., Sieve, L., Stenberg, L., Molesky, N. A., & Rider, G. N. (accepted for 2020, April). School Nurses’ Experiences Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse Students’ Parents/Guardians. Paper presented at 2020 Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL.

St. Amand, C., Pardo, S., Sharp, C., Olson-Kennedy, J., & Rider, G. N. (2020, October). Developmental milestones for a national sample of transgender children and adolescents. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Mayo Clinic Family Medicine Research Forum, Virtual Conference.

Tellawi, G.Berg, D., Okrey Anderson, S., Rider, G. N. (2020, June). In their own words: A qualitative analysis of gender diverse children’s experiences. Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Palm Springs, CA. (cancelled due to COVID)

Lee, H., Rider, G. N., Operario, D., & Kim. S. (2020, October). Limited access to the public restroom and suicidality among transgender adults in South Korea: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Oral presentation for the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.

Rider, G. N., Fadich, S., Phillip, D., Blasdel, G., Crowley, N., & St. Amand, C. (2020, November). Touching trans bodies: The trauma-informed physical exam. State-of-the-Art symposium presented at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium (virtual conference).

Rider, G. N., & Link, C. (2020, December). Provider and researcher perspectives on care for transgender and nonbinary persons. In Center for Women in Medicine and Science (Host), Comprehensive Gender Care: Competency across healthcare, research, and advocacy. Invited remote presentation at the Medical School Dean’s Special Lecture Series (virtual format).

Spencer, K. (2020, January). Overview of transgender healthcare and policy. Invited presentation at Mayflower United Church of Christ. Minneapolis, MN.

Khanpour, S., Tellawi, G., & Rider, G. N. (2020, December). Sexuality and Islam: A sharing of research. Invited virtual presentation at the Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life at the University of Minnesota.

Martin, L., McMorris, B., Johnston-Goodstar, K., & Rider, G. N. (2020, January). Trading sex and sexual exploitation among high school students: Data from the 2019 Minnesota Student Survey. Invited presentation at the monthly meeting of the Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force, St. Paul, MN.

Martin, L., McMorris, B., Rider, G. N., Johnston-Goodstar, K., Menanteau, B., & Palmer, C. (2020, October). Answering the prevalence question about transactional sex among high school students: Data to strengthen a public health response. Oral presentation submitted to the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.

Martin, L., McMorris, B., Rider, G. N., Johnston-Goodstar, K., Menanteau, B., & Palmer, C. (2020, October). Answering the prevalence question about transactional sex among high school students: Data to strengthen a public health response. Virtual podium presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.

Martin, L., Palmer, C., & Rider. G. N. (2020, September). Prevalence of transactional sex among high school students in Minnesota. Oral presentation at the 17th Annual International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference.

Neiman, T. J., Sieve, L., Stenberg, L., Molesky, N. A., & Rider, G. N. (accepted for 2020, April). School Nurses’ Experiences Working with Transgender and Gender Diverse Students’ Parents/Guardians. Paper presented at 2020 Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Research Conference, Schaumburg, IL.


Becker-Warner, R., Candelario-Perez, L., & Kovic, A. (2019, September). The neuro-gender intersection: An affirmative approach to therapy with autistic gender-expansive people. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Berg, D. (2019, December). Gender creative children: The basics. Invited presentation at the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Minneapolis, MN. 

Berg, D., Candelario-Pérez, L., Kovic, A.Becker-Warner, R., & Connor, J. (2019, October). In this together: Group therapy for transgender/gender non-conforming adolescents and their parents. Brief communication presented at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Berg, D., & Edwards-Leeper, L. (2019, September). Use of assessment measures in practice with youth. In J. McGuire (Chair), From binary to spectrum: Developing multidimensional affirmative assessment instruments for youth. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Berg, D.Finch, A., & Rider, G. N. (2019, September). (un)Gender Dolls. In N. Bradford (Chair), Integrating art and science: Three collaborations between clinical scholars and artists to promote positive sexuality across the lifespan. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Berg, D., & Janssen, A. (2019, September). Treatment approaches. In A. Tishelman (Chair), Prepubescent gender diversity – complexities and recommendations: Reflections from the SOC8 Child Chapter Working Group. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Finch, A., DeWitt, V., Becker-Warner, R., & Berg, D. (2019, September). Trans sex zine. In N. Bradford (Chair), Integrating art and science: Three collaborations between clinical scholars and artists to promote positive sexuality across the lifespan. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

McGuire, J., Anderson, S.Schaefer, C.Connor, J., & Berg, D. (2019, March). Measurement of Family Gender Environment (FGE) in transgender and cisgender young and middle adolescents and their parents. In J. Fish & S. Russell (Chairs), Measurement validation and equivalence in LGBTQ youth research: Examples and recommendations. Paper symposium at the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.

Rider, G. N. (2019, February). How to communicate with your child about gender identity. Invited speaker for a panel discussion at the Breck School, Golden Valley, MN.

Rider, N. G.Tellawi, G.Okrey Anderson, S., & Berg, D. (2019, September). I want to be a regular girl, girl periods, girl puberty. Understanding the gender-related experiences of gender diverse prepubertal children. Oral Presentation conducted at USPATH, Washington, DC.

Tellawi, G.Anderson, S. O., & Berg, D. (2019, April). Body dysphoria in gender creative children. Peer-reviewed presentation at MACMH Conference, Duluth, MN. 

Tellawi, G.Rider, G. N.Anderson, S. O., & Berg, D. (2019, April). Mixed methods examination of body dysphoria in pre-pubescent gender diverse children. Poster presentation at the 2019 National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA.

Berg, D. (2019, November). Considerations for creating a (more) LGBTQA+ care environment. Invited presentation at the LeaderWise Retreat, Minneapolis, MN. 

Bradford, N., Catalpa, J., Rider, G. N., & Spencer, K. (2019, October). Political engagement in transgender sex workers in the United States: Relationships to sexual and mental health. Brief communication presented at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Bradford, N.Rider, G. N., & Spencer, K. (2019, September). Hair removal and psychological well-being in transfeminine adults: Associations with gender dysphoria and gender euphoria. Oral presentation at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Bradford, N. J.Spencer, K. G., & Catalpa, J. M. (2019, April). Political engagement in transgender sex workers: Relationships to psychosocial well-being. Poster presentation at the 2019 National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA.

Coleman, E.Spencer, K.Berg, D.Feldman, J.Rider, G. N., & Vencill, J. (2019, April). WPATH update: Report from Buenos Aires. Invited presentation at the 3rd annual Opportunity Conference: Advancing LGBTQ and HIV Health, St. Paul, MN.

Heredia, D., & Rider, G. N. (2019, October). Erotic art and cognitive behavioral interventions in sex therapy: Dismantling body shame among sexual and gender diverse people of color. Moderated poster presentation at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Spencer, K. (2019, October). Symposium Chair. Sexual rights for transgender/non-binary/gender non-conforming youth and adults: A WAS Initiative. Symposium at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Spencer, K.Finch, A., & Bradford, N. (2019, September). Promoting positive sexuality after vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty: An arts-integrated workbook. In N. Bradford (Chair), Integrating art and science: Three collaborations between clinical scholars and artists to promote positive sexuality across the lifespan. Mini-symposium presented at the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Washington, DC.

Spencer, K.Rider, G. N., & Bradford, N. (2019, October). Introduction and overview to WAS Initiative on transgender sexual rights. In K. Spencer (Chair), Sexual rights for transgender/non-binary/gender non-conforming youth and adults: A WAS Initiative. Symposium at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Spencer, K.Rider, G. N.Bradford, N.Berg, D., & Tellawi, G. (2019, October). Working effectively across the lifespan with transgender/non-binary clients in sex therapy. Oral presentation at the 24th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) & XII Congreso Nacional de Educación Sexual y Sexología, Mexico City, Mexico.

Tatum, A. K.Catalpa, J. M.Kovic, A.Bradford, N. J., & Berg, D. (2019, April). An investigation of the transnormative narrative for gender identity and transition milestones among USTS binary and non-binary participants. Poster presentation at the 2019 National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA.

Tellawi, G.Rider, G. N., & Vencill, J. (2019, April). Relationship experiences, minority stress, and health outcomes among transgender and gender diverse adults. Oral presentation conducted at the 2019 National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA. 

Vencill, J. A., Knochel, A., Rider, G. N.Spencer, K., & Thorp, D. (2019, April). Creating a cross-sector care provider network to advance transgender health. Invited plenary panel at the 3rd annual Opportunity Conference: Advancing LGBTQ and HIV Health, St. Paul, MN.


Bradford, N. J.Catalpa, J. M., & Syed, M. (2018, November). Vicarious trauma in the transgender community: The role of gender literacy in risk and resilience. In D. Berg (Chair), Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium accepted for presentation at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Rider, G. N. (2018, November). Symposium Chair. Affirmative psychological testing with transgender and gender nonconforming individuals across the lifespan. Mini-symposium accepted for presentation at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Spencer, K., & Berg, D. (2018, November). The role of sex therapy in gender competent care. In D. Berg (Chair), Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium accepted for presentation at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Spencer, K.G., & Gonzalez, C.A. (2018, November). Ratings of sexual functioning and satisfaction in a clinical sample of transgender adults in the United States. Paper presentation at the World Professional Association of Transgender Health Biannual Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Link, C., &  Jack, E. (2018, November). Navigating medical interventions: How social work and medicine come together. In D. Berg (Chair), Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium accepted for presentation at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Coleman, E., & Spencer, K. (2018, November). Sexual pleasure as an inherent sexual and human right for transgender and gender diverse individuals: Translating rights into practice. Invited plenary at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Berg, D., & Bradford, N. (2018, November). Body dysphoria in pre-pubescent children with gender dysphoria. Oral presentation at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Berg, D. (2018, November). Considerations regarding use of binary scoring templates and norm groups in psychological testing for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. In G. N. Rider (Chair), Affirmative psychological testing with transgender and gender nonconforming individuals across the lifespan. Mini-symposium at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Berg, D. (2018, November). Symposium Chair. Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Berg, D., & McGuire, J. (2018, November). The Family Environment Scale: Examining parental support for TGNC youth. In D. Berg (Chair), Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Rider, G. N., Berg, D., & Keo-Meier, C. (2018, November). Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Which scoring template – birth assigned sex or gender identity? In G. N. Rider (Chair), Affirmative psychological testing with transgender and gender nonconforming individuals across the lifespan. Mini-symposium at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Rider, G. N., McMorris, B., Gower, A., Coleman, E., & Eisenberg, M. (2018, November). Moving beyond the binary: Population-based results of high schoolers in the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey. In D. Berg (Chair), Interdisciplinary applications of the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Mini-symposium at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Berg, D. (2018, October). Therapeutic work with transgender adolescents: Setting the stage. Presentation at University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry Diversity & Inclusion Retreat, Minneapolis, MN. 

Berg, D. (2018, October). Gender creative children: Applying the Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Presentation at Sunshine Montessori, Minneapolis, MN. 

Berg, D., Becker-Warner, R., & Rider, G. N. (2018, July). The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach (GALA): Research and practice with LGBTQ adolescents. Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health Training Series, St. Paul, MN.

Berg, D. R. & Spencer, K.G. (2018, June). Gender Literacy and Pleasure-Oriented Positive Sexuality: Applications with Gender Creative Children and Transgender Adolescents. Presentation at the National Center for Gender Spectrum Health's Healthy Bodies, Healthy Genders Workshop, Minneapolis, MN.

Spencer, K. G., & Berg, D.R. (2018, June). Developing and Applying a Pleasure-Based Positive Sexuality Framework with Gender Diverse Clients. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, & Therapists, Denver, CO.

Berg, D., &  Becker-Warner, R. (2018, April). The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach: Research and practice with gender expansive children. Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health 2018 Conference, Duluth, MN. 

Berg, D., & Spencer, K. (2018, April). Parenting adolescents beyond the binary: Use of a psychoeducational group therapy intervention. In J. McGuire (Chair), The future of gender identity: Genderqueer and non-binary approaches to research, family, and health. Symposium at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Spencer, K. (2018, April). Gender identity and sexuality. Invited talk for the American Society of Andrology 43rd Annual Conference, Portland, OR. 

Spencer, K. (2018, April). The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach and working with transgender patients. Invited talk for Fairview Transgender Health Conference, Fairview Health Services, Minneapolis, MN.  

Berg, D. (2018, March). Gender diversity in adolescents. Psychiatry Update Conference, Park Nicollet Clinic and Specialty Center, Minneapolis, MN. 


Spencer, K., & Berg, D. (April, 2017). Vision for the National Center for Gender Spectrum Health. PHS Leadership Council Spring gathering, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Berg, D.Spencer, K., Becker-Warner, R., Vencill, J., McGuire, J., & Catalpa, J. (2017, February). Presenter.  GALA™: The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. USPATH 2017, Los Angeles, California.

Berg, D., & Spencer, K. (2017, February). Presenter. Moving Beyond the Binary. USPATH 2017, Los Angeles, California. 

Spencer, K. (Chair), Berg, D., Vencill, J., Bradford, N., DeWitt, J., McGuire, J., & Catalpa, J. (2017, February). Supporting Pleasure-based and Positive Sexuality Across the Lifespan:  The GALA Approach.  USPATH Symposium, Los Angeles, California. 

Spencer, K., & Vencill, J. A. (2017, February). Supporting pleasure-based positive sexuality: Development of a transfeminine spectrum sexual health group curriculum. In K. Spencer (Chair), Supporting pleasure-based and positive sexuality across the lifespan: The GALA approach. Symposium presented at the inaugural meeting of the United States Professional Association of Transgender Health (USPATH), Los Angeles, CA.

Spencer, K., & Vencill, J. A. (2017, February). Developing pleasure-based positive sexuality. In D. Berg (Chair), GALA: The Gender Affirmative Lifespan Approach. Symposium presented at the inaugural meeting of the United States Professional Association of Transgender Health (USPATH), Los Angeles, CA.


Berg, D. Invited Speaker for 2 Day Military Training: Applying GALA to Clinical Work with Transgender/Gender Creative Adults, Adolescents and Children. Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma Washington, Sept 22-23, 2016.