

We will educate medical students, residents, physicians, allied health professionals and the public in all aspects of emergency medical care. We will work to ensure universal access to and availability of excellent emergency care at all times and to anyone by contributing new knowledge and skills obtained through active biomedical research and innovative practice.

In carrying out these missions and goals, the Department of Emergency Medicine and its individual faculty aspire to a balance of:

Research - Scholarship of discovery, application, and translation of clinical science.

Scholarship of teaching education, which among other things may include the translation of advances in care (or care systems) to the education and experiences of medical students, residents, fellows, and the community of emergency medicine clinicians and educators.

Service to disciplinary organizations, department, medical school, University or community.

Interdisciplinary or inter-professional scholarship, function and relationships that reflect current and future demands for well-integrated cross-disciplinary approaches to care, education, and research.

Public engagement that identifies priority areas for care, education, and research and makes a visible, significant impact in those areas on the lives of people in the community.