At the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences at the University of Minnesota Medical School, we educate the next generation of eye care professionals, provide exceptional eye care for our patients, and discover new treatments.
Education & Training
Interested in pursuing a career in ophthalmology? Our residents, fellows, and students train with faculty across specialties and gain hands-on experience with a wide variety of patients with diverse eye problems. We also offer continuing medical education through grand rounds.
Ophthalmology Residency: A three-year, clinically-oriented training program. Residents will be eligible to take the examination for board certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology.
Post-residency Fellowships: Continued training in pediatric ophthalmology, oculoplastic, and orbital surgery, neuro-ophthalmology, retina, and anterior segment.
Orthoptic Program: Two-year program with didactic coursework and clinical work at University of Minnesota hospitals and clinics.
Our clinical researchers and basic science researchers collaborate together, working in state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities. This leads to notable discoveries from the laboratory into the clinic in areas such as macular degeneration, cornea transplantation, and oculoplastics. Our research achievements include:
- Developed the solution, now used worldwide, that preserves corneal tissue for transplant
- Created a system to rate the severity of macular degeneration research tissue
- Improved outcomes for pediatric corneal transplants
Patient Care
Get the best care possible. Each year our physicians provide care for approximately 71,000 patients, for adults and children, in all six subspecialty areas of ophthalmology:
- cornea and refractive surgery
- glaucoma
- neuro-ophthalmology
- ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery
- pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
- vitreoretinal diseases.