We prepare the next generation of professionals — including ophthalmologists, orthoptists, and researchers — to discover new treatments and provide state-of-the-art eye care.

Our students see a wide variety of patients with diverse eye problems and work with faculty in all nine subspecialty areas of ophthalmology. The result? A rich educational experience for students looking to be on the leading edge of this specialty.


A three-year clinically-oriented training program in ophthalmology prepares graduates to be ophthalmologists in the community.


Fellowships are offered by the Department of Ophthalmology in the subspecialty areas of pediatric ophthalmology, oculoplastic and orbital surgery, neuro-ophthalmology, medical and surgical vitreoretinal and anterior segment.

Orthoptic Program

This two-year program includes didactic and clinical work at the Minnesota Lions Children's Eye Clinic at the University of Minnesota.