Postdoctoral Scholar Openings
In addition to conducting research with one of our primary faculty members, postdoctoral scholars can contribute in the classroom as educators and in the service domain on departmental and institutional committees. Postdoctoral training can be tailored to optimally prepare postdoctoral scholars for the next phase in their careers. Our past postdoctoral scholars are now applying their training in academia, industry, medical settings, and government. We are excited to play a key role in developing the next generation of scientists, educators, and medical professionals, and are happy to make postdoctoral training a highly individualized and optimized experience.
Check below for a selection of postdoctoral openings available in the Department of Pharmacology.
Freedman Lab
Tanya Freedman, PhD - The Freedman lab studies feedback signaling mechanisms that regulate thresholds for immune-cell activation in tissue homeostasis, antibacterial immunity, autoimmune disease, and the tumor microenvironment.
Learn more at the Freedman Lab Website and follow us on Twitter @tfreedmanlab. For more information about opportunities in the lab, please contact Dr. Freedman.
Dang Lab
Hai Dang Nguyen, PhD - The Dang lab is building an interdisciplinary team of researchers to elucidate how our DNA is repaired to prevent genomic instability and ultimately to develop novel therapeutic strategies in cancer therapy. A current focus in the lab is to identify novel targets in the DNA damage response pathway for treating patients harboring spliceosome mutations such as myelodysplastic syndromes and other solid tumors.
Learn more at the Dang Lab Website and follow us on Twitter @DangH_Nguyen. For more information about opportunities in the lab, please contact Dr. Nguyen.
Wei Lab
Li-Na Wei, PhD - The Wei lab is interested in the mechanisms of neuro-endocrine/neuro-immune regulation and communication via exosomes, particularly those underlying neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. The lab is also interested in drug discovery for new therapeutic targets identified from these studies. Experimental systems/methods include gene-targeted mice, primary cell and 3D-organ cultures, and molecular biology/biochemistry/immunology.
For more information about opportunities in the lab, please contact Dr. Wei.
Wickman Lab
Kevin Wickman, PhD - Postdoctoral positions are available for enthusiastic individuals interested in molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neuronal excitability, with a specific emphasis on those relevant to addiction and mood. Our NIH-funded research programs incorporate techniques in electrophysiology, intracranial pharmacology and genetics, neuromodulation, and behavioral analysis.
Please learn more about our lab and research interests on our website and follow us on Twitter @WickmanLab. A PhD in the biomedical sciences is required. While prior relevant experience is desirable, our lab is an excellent training environment for those interested in developing new skills. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae and brief statement of research interests to Dr. Kevin Wickman.