Department of Pharmacology research labs are actively engaged in research and discovery efforts focused on devastating medical problems including cancer, addiction, and infectious disease. A key goal of our research is to identify new knowledge and tools that can be leveraged to develop safer and more effective ways to treat or diagnose these medical problems. We embrace collaborative research and strategic institutional partnerships. Many of our faculty are integral contributors to University of Minnesota Centers and Institutes, including the Masonic Cancer Center, Medical Discovery Team on Addiction, Institute for Translational Neuroscience, and the Center for Immunology. The diverse research programs of Department of Pharmacology faculty are supported by more than $9 million in annual external research funding. More information on these research programs can be found in the primary faculty members section of this website, where a summary of research interests, list of publications, and contact information for each faculty member are provided.
We are committed to protecting research participants, upholding ethical standards, and improving our practice at every step of our work.