Our Services

Our teams offer a diverse array of services to help researchers and practitioners develop, implement, and evaluate their ideas. This includes assistance with data access, research methods, evidence reviews, implementation science, and more. Learn more about our research activities and available services.

CLHSS operates as an ISO/ESO (internal/external service organization) for certain service types including but not limited to: requests for data, evidence review, and data science and informatics services. See additional details about rate structures below.

Want to request our services?

  1. Complete our brief services request form
    Note: Form does not save works in progress, you must fill it out and submit in one instance.
  2. Program leadership will review your request and assess the project scope, technical needs, required support, and more. Additional information may be requested.
  3. When applicable, requests for Fairview resources will be evaluated by Health System Operations and IT teams for scoping and feasibility.
  4. Program leadership will make a decision about your project. If accepted, a kick-off meeting will be scheduled.

The review process will take 2–4 weeks depending on the type of request. An update will be provided after each step.

Please email clhss@umn.edu with any questions.

ISO/ESO Rate Structure

Costs for services provided via ISO/ESO structure are established using either an hourly rate or project-based rate based on complexity and scope. Service requests may be provided free of charge under certain circumstances, including initial consultation to consider scope and feasibility of a request, as well as RapidEval Call for Proposals, and special initiatives.

After submitting a request for services (see above), applicable ISO/ESO rates will be discussed as part of the request assessment process. Email us at clhss@umn.edu with any questions.

Costs for services are established using either an hourly rate or project-based rate as follows:

  • Internal Hourly Rate
    • $75 – Staff
    • $90 – Project Manager
    • $105 – Analyst/Data Management/Data Scientist
    • $123 – Fairview IT LHS 
  • External Hourly Rate
    • Non-UMN client rates are negotiated separately
  • Project-Based
  • Custom agreements/collaboration models

To request Primary Care Service Line Practice-Based Research Network services, visit the PBRN website for more information.

CLHSS has made a commitment to fully integrate patients, caregivers, and community members throughout our research work. Learn more about this work and the resources we offer.