Medical Student Opportunities

The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Minnesota offers a variety of opportunities to educate and provide experiences for medical students. Students will receive exposure to numerous subspecialties within the fields of laboratory medicine and pathology by enrolling in various clerkship offerings and can gain hands-on experience by participating in the department’s summer internship for medical students or post-sophomore fellowship programs.

Contact Information
Director of Medical School Pathology Education: Dr. Cade Arries - [email protected]
Medical Student Coordinator: Haley Fleckenstein - [email protected]

Pathology Interest Group

The Pathology Interest Group serves as a resource for medical students interested in learning more about the specialty of pathology. It creates awareness about opportunities and programs within the field of pathology at the University of Minnesota through informal social events and guest lectures by pathologists. Please contact Dr. Cade Arries ([email protected]) for more information.