LMP News, December 31

Flanagan and Bell awarded Wallin Fund grant

Maggie Flanagan and Rob Bell are co-investigators with PI Swati More, assistant professor in the Center for Drug Design in the College of Pharmacy, in a one-year $125,000 Winston and Maxine Wallin Neuroscience Discovery Fund grant to study “Retinal Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Cerebral Amyloid Staging Correlations, A Promising Early Biomarker in AD.”

Orr is profiled in The Lancet Neurology

The Lancet Neurology's Tony Kirby profiled Harry Orr last August in a feature article "Harry T Orr: decoding spinocerebellar ataxias."

Grant opportunities

The Spring Grant In Aid funding cycle opens January 2. Visit the University's research site for more information.

P&T training sessions

Please note upcoming P&T training sessions for faculty interested in the next promotion cycle.

Faculty and trainees publish

Wu HH, Priester A, Khoshnoodi P, Zhang Z, Shakeri S, Afshari Mirak S, Asvadi NH, Ahuja P, Sung K, Natarajan S, Sisk A, Reiter R, Raman S, Enzmann D. A system using patient-specific 3D-printed molds to spatially align in vivo MRI with ex vivo MRI and whole-mount histopathology for prostate cancer research. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Jan;49(1):270-279. doi: 10.1002/jmri.26189.

Bell WR, An Y, Kageyama Y, English C, Rudow GL, Pletnikova O, Thambisetty M, O'Brien R, Moghekar AR, Albert MS, Rabins PV, Resnick SM, Troncoso JC. Neuropathologic, genetic, and longitudinal cognitive profiles in primary age-related tauopathy (PART) and Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 Dec 11. pii: S1552-5260(18)33483-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.07.215.

Upcoming events of interest or things to do

The next LMP Research Forum is scheduled for Thursday, January 10 from 5-7 in the Dale Shepard room at the Campus Club. Rob Bell will present.

The 2018 Performance appraisal process for civil service, bargaining unit and P&A employees has begun. Self-evaluations are due by January 18. Supervisor evaluations are due by February 21.

Send news to Bill

Please send publications, achievement and event information and announcements you think appropriate for the LMP Newsletter to Bill Hoffman at hoffm003@umn.edu. Also, Bill has an ongoing interest in photographs, images, and story ideas you may have for the LMP website.