2023 Clinical Trials Day
Get ready — May 20 is officially Clinical Trials Day! This special day honors the importance of clinical trials and their impact on public health. Several of our esteemed orthopedic surgery faculty at the University of Minnesota are at the forefront of leading clinical trials. Their expertise and dedication make them invaluable contributors to the advancement of orthopedic research and the improvement of patient care.
Below, we have listed some of our active clinical trials. Please click on each title to view its corresponding detailed description.
Stability II (ACL Reconstruction +/- Lateral Tenodesis with Patellar vs. Quad Tendon) randomizes participants to one of four different knee reconstruction techniques and compares tests of strength and agility up to 24 months post-surgery. (Principle Investigator: Jeffrey Macalena, MD)
STaR (Surgical Timing and Rehabilitation for Multiligament Knee Injury) randomizes patients to early versus delayed surgery and/or rehab and compares tests of strength and agility up to 24 months post-surgery to determine the optimal timing of surgery and rehabilitation after a multiligament knee injury. (Principle Investigator: Jeffrey Macalena, MD)
BEAR-MOON Trial (A Comparison of ACL Repair With BEAR Device vs. Autograft Patellar Tendon ACL Reconstruction) randomizes participants to either the BEAR implant or a current standard ACL reconstruction surgery and compares tests of strength and agility up to 24 months post-surgery. (Principle Investigator: Bradley Nelson, MD)
NOVOCART (NOVOCART®3D for Treatment of Articular Cartilage of the Knee (N3D)) Participants are randomized to receive either Microfracture or NOVOCART 3D for articular knee defects and evaluated over 5 years for safety and efficacy. (Principle Investigator: Marc Tompkins, MD)
AMS in XLIF Study (A Prospective Multicenter Study Evaluating the Effect of Implant Material and/or Surface Structure on Progression of Fusion in XLIF® Surgery) randomizes participants to one of three lumbar interbody fusion surgeries and measures the proportion of participants with apparent radiographic interbody fusion at or before 24 months within each treatment group. (Principle Investigator: Jonathan Sembrano, MD)
SILVIA (SIJ Stabilization in Long Fusion to the Pelvis: Randomized Controlled Trial) randomizes participants into one or two multilevel fusion surgery with fixation to the pelvis and examines whether specific placement of the medical device provides clinical and/or radiographic benefits in patients up to 24 months post-surgery. (Principle Investigator: Christopher Martin, MD)
For more information about research within the University of Minnesota Department of Orthopedic Surgery, click here.