Undergraduate Majors
Courses Taught
NIH Funding/ Research Faculty
Vision of Excellence
physiology education
Undergraduate Program

The goal of the Human Physiology major is to help students understand the function of the human body by pursuing systematic studies of cells, tissues and organisms.

physiology education
Graduate Program

The PhD Graduate Program in Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP) is a unique hybrid of the field of physiology, the cornerstone of biomedical research and medicine, and the rapidly advancing fields of molecular, genetic and cellular biology.

physiology research

The research mission of the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology (IBP) is dedicated to an integrative systems biology approach to bio-medical discovery. 


Department Head Joe Metzger, PhD

We are a dynamic and growing medical school basic science department that values excellence, innovation, diversity, inclusion and impact as cornerstones to biomedical research and education. We aspire to be the leading research and education physiology program in the country. 

Vision Statement

New paper out in Nature Aging for the Bartolomucci lab!

The University of Minnesota has been selected as one of only three sites for the NIDDK Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases. Congratulations to Drs.