Program in Human Anatomy
Our mission: The central mission of the Medical School's Program in Human Anatomy Education is to teach Gross Human Anatomy and Embryology to professional, graduate, and undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota.
To fulfill this mission, the program seeks to develop and/or adopt innovative teaching methods to better facilitate anatomy education and to create courses to meet the educational needs of professional and advanced nontraditional students (residents, practicing physicians, biomedical engineers, etc.).
All course offerings are available on Schedule Builder while registration is completed through OneStop.
Outreach Activities

Mini Medical School
Each semester our anatomy faculty participate in Mini Medical School, a 5-week evening course hosted by the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center for anyone wanting a glimpse into the world of a medical student and to hear from experts on the scientific foundations of health and disease.
Anatomy Bequest Program
The Program in Human Anatomy Education could not function without access to cadavers for anatomical dissection and study. The University of Minnesota Medical School's Anatomy Bequest Program exists to fill this special and important function.
The Anatomy Bequest Program's mission is to ensure the availability of human bodies to aid in the education of health practitioners within the state of Minnesota. To fulfill this mission, the Anatomy Bequest Program provides for the teaching needs of the University of Minnesota and for the teaching needs of all other post-secondary schools in the state of Minnesota that have anatomy teaching programs using human materials, with the exception of the Mayo Clinic.