Preadoption Services
Getting Started
As you begin the adoption process, we are aware of the challenges before you and the decisions you must make. We know how critical it is for prospective adoptive parents to best understand the challenges that lie ahead and to have the available resources to meet those obstacles. As pediatricians and adoption specialists, our role is to assist you in understanding your child’s medical history, risk factors, and the resources you will need to effectively parent.
An adoptive family is a remarkable environment for a child to grow and develop to their full potential and find healing from emotional and physical trauma. Every week, we meet children who are adopted and thriving in their new families.
It is our hope that every child finds a family in which to grow strong and healthy, and it is our pleasure to assist in this process.
Pre-Adoption Consultation
A Pre-Adoption Consultation is a 1-hour virtual meeting with clinic director, Dr. Judith Eckerle. In this meet you will be able to discuss questions you may have about the potential long-term consequences of diseases and diagnosis on your medical checklist. This service is for families that have not yet received medical information on a specific child.
Pre-Adoption Medical Review
A Pre-Adoption Medical Review is a full review, by a medical doctor, of the information that you have received in a referral for a child (or children). These reviews can be completed in 24 or 72 hours depending on the need. To protect sensitive information all communication for Pre-Adoption Medical Reviews will be completed through an online secured portal.
For Travelers
After completing a Pre-Adoption Medical Review, our team of physicians is here to help you navigate traveling abroad to meet or visit the child that has been referred to you.
The Importance of Understanding Health Risks in the Pre-Adoption Process
Adoption can be a very expensive, emotionally draining, and time-consuming process. Often, by the time a family receives a referral, they are eager to complete the process and have a child in their arms, but we want children who are adopted to be placed with families who are a good match. We desire to help you make a well-reasoned decision when the time comes—at a point in your life when it likely will be difficult to be dispassionate. While we are not an adoption agency and cannot make agency recommendations, our specialists will be able to help you gain a better understanding of the health risks of that child and whether you have the resources to provide for that child’s needs.
Contact Us
717 Delaware St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414