For Travelers

Preparing for your referral trip abroad

Adoption Medicine Clinic (AMC) physician staff are available to consult with you while you're abroad to meet or visit your referred child:

  1. Create an account in our Log system. (We are happy to look at preliminary info that you might receive before you travel, as well as to work with you when you’re there.)
  2. Review the preparation info on this page.
  3. Plan to bring the required communication technology (e.g., laptop, digital camera, digital video recorder) with you - and make sure to practice first!
  4. While traveling, gather medical history and information, photographs and video clips. Then upload them to the Log system. You may email [email protected] if you are having any upload issues while you're abroad. We will do our best to respond within 24 hours.

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Traveler Preparation & Planning Packet

The Traveler Preparation & Planning Packet includes information on how to make the most of your trip abroad while you meet your referred child. We have included resources for information gathering, developmental milestones, and how to take photos and videos that will be useful to the adoption medicine physician when making an initial health assessment. Included:

  1. How to take a good photo
  2. How to measure head circumference
  3. How to gather the child's health history
  4. Understanding the medical information in your referral
  5. Development information

We recommend you also bring copies of the growth charts that correspond to your child's age and weight.

Measuring Head Circumference

When you meet your referred child, we'll ask you to gather medical information and try to obtain a measurement of her or his head. Vist our webpage on How to Measure Head Growth and watch the video to learn how to take an accurate head measurement and why this step is an important part of the preadoption medical review.


Adoption-specific Paperwork

  • Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire
These forms are an additional tool that is useful in gathering medical information on your prospective child. The questionnaire is not available for download; however, you may request a complementary hard copy from us. Please indicate the child's age: 0-9 mo, 9-24 mo, 2-4 yr, 4-6 yr and include your mailing address. Request a questionnaire by emailing [email protected].
  • Waiver Letters
If you used our preadoption medical review service, we can also provide you with a letter to attempt to have the child's country of origin waive the waiting period sometimes required prior to adoption. We will need your home address, full official name of the child as she/he is known to the orphanage and official date of birth. We will email you the letter, signed by one of our physicians. Request a letter by emailing [email protected].
  • Physician License
Some regions in Russia may ask for a copy of your physician's medical license (the one who certifies the parents' physical health). If you are in need of a copy of the medical license but your physician feels uncomfortable providing you with one, you can alternatively contact your state's board of medical practice and ask them for a certified copy of the physician's credentials.

Travel Health

  • Prescription Medicines
We are not currently able to write prescriptions for you in preparation for travel, or for your child when you go abroad to get her/him. You may consult your primary care provider to see if they are able to accommodate this request or visit a travel clinic.
  • Pre-travel Vaccinations
We recommend you consult the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) website for country-specific travel information and recommended pre-travel vaccinations. In fact, a visit to a travel clinic is always recommended when you leave the U.S. You may also consider purchasing travel health and security insurance, as well.

Contact Us

Administrative Offices
717 Delaware St SE
3rd Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: 612-624-1164