Radiology Faculty Research

Research Support

The Department of Radiology has an agreement with the Department of Surgery Clinical Trials Office (SurgCTO) to provide research support for Radiology faculty research projects. This team includes regulatory specialists, research coordinators, research program managers, and a research administrator. 

The team supports investigators and their research teams in all phases of clinical research, including the organization, implementation, and completion of clinical research studies.

Radiology New Research Requests


For new research projects, complete the Clinical Research Resource Review Request form. Contact Mary Farnsworth with questions.

Research Team

Mary Farnsworth

Mary Farnsworth, BA

Director of Research, Surgery Clinical Trials Office
(Supporting Radiology Clinical Trials)


Deb Mailand

Deb Mailand, MPH

Clinical Research Program Manager, Surgery Clinical Trials Office
(Supporting Radiology Clinical Trials)


Resource Review

The Medical School requires all Departments to conduct a departmentally-based resource review for all research studies that require IRB approval. The goal of this process is to ensure we have adequate resources, both financial and staffing, to fully support the project before a PI proceeds. The process is also intended to help ensure PIs have all necessary steps in place before submitting to the IRB, to avoid unnecessary delays in IRB approval.

Resources for Researchers

Informatics Support (BPIC)
CTSI’s Best Practices Integrated Informatics Core (BPIC) gives researchers access to high-quality data for their research. Their team can assist research to gather data for:

  • Study feasibility
  • Retrospective and observational studies
  • Recruitment
  • Operational or quality improvement projects (non-research)
  • Data feeds
  • Education and fundraising

Biostatistical Support (BDAC)
The Department of Radiology contracts for some monthly hours of support with BDAC. Any faculty member needing biostatistical support is able to contact BDAC directly.  Follow these steps to request BDAC support: 

  • Go to CTR Portal,
  • Sign-in with your x500 username and password
    • At present, you will need to login on a computer connected to the UMN network either on-campus or via VPN. (If you receive an 'Access Forbidden' error, please contact the UMN Technology Help line at 612-301-4357, for assistance in obtaining VPN access).
  • Select 'New Request' in the upper right
  • Search for your project
    • If it is a new project, you will select 'No the project doesn't yet exist' and you will be prompted to enter the project title, the PI information, and the Dept ID billing code, use the appropriate code for your division:
      • 11873 - Body (Thoracoabdominal), Breast, Musculoskeletal, Nuclear Medicine
      • 11874 - Neuroradiology
      • 11875 - Interventional Radiology
      • 11876 - Pediatric Radiology
      • 11878 - Medical Physics
  • Click 'Proceed to the next step'
  • Choose 'Yes I would' from the pop-up to request service
  • Then select the button on the next page that reads 'Biostatistical and Data Management and Support'
  • Answer the remaining questions as completely as you can
  • For the section regarding funding source, you will need to select the following to access Department of Radiology contracted time:
    • "Non-federal", then "Department Contract", then "Radiology"
  • Submit the form upon completion

Once your request has been submitted and reviewed, BDAC will assign a statistician to work with you.