Our Mission

As experts in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, we are driven to achieve optimal health for every patient. We serve with excellence through collaboration, innovation, education, and honoring the dignity of the individual.
Blue Ridge Ranking
Education & Training 2024
Education & Training

Through clinical experience, research, and didactic lectures we strive to increase knowledge of otolaryngic disorders and their treatments for students and residents at all levels of training.

ent research

Our researchers are working to develop new and innovative approaches to the prevention and treatment of a full range of conditions.

ent patient care
Patient Care

Whether you have sinus problems, hearing loss, or thyroid disease, our otolaryngologists at University of Minnesota Physicians offer the latest in comprehensive care for diseases and conditions of the ear, nose and throat.


Department Head, Samir Khariwala, MD, MS, FACS

Welcome to the Department of Otolaryngology. In addition to serving as a pioneer in many areas of modern Otolaryngology, our program is a national leader in clinical care, research excellence and the education of residents, fellows and medical students. We hope you will take the opportunity to learn more about our outstanding faculty and the exciting research being conducted in our Department as you navigate this website. In addition, we are passionate about training a talented and diverse group of residents and fellows to prepare them for the next steps in their careers.


Temporal Bone Lab
The University of Minnesota Department of Otolaryngology Opens New High-Tech Temporal Bone Lab

November 6th, 2024 

The Department of Otolarnygology with support from the Minnesota Lions Hearing Foundation and the University of Minnesota Medical School, unveiled a new state-of-the-art temporal bone lab. Nearly three times the size of the original lab, the lab features 15 workstations equipped with advanced microscopes, precision tools, and HD monitoring systems.