Jerrold Vitek Appointed Chair of MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Steering Committee

We are pleased to announce that Jerrold Vitek, MD, PhD, has been appointed Chair of the MnDRIVE Brain Conditions Steering Committee. Dr. Vitek brings extensive expertise and leadership to this pivotal role.

In his new role as Chair, Dr. Vitek will oversee the MnDRIVE Brain Conditions initiative, a collaborative effort between the University of Minnesota and the State of Minnesota. MnDRIVE (Minnesota’s Discovery, Research, and InnoVation Economy) aims to build the University’s capacity for world-class research that benefits all Minnesotans. The Brain Conditions program is dedicated to advancing neuromodulation research, developing new therapies, and improving the quality of life for individuals suffering from neurological conditions. We look forward to the impact Dr. Vitek will have in this role and the continued growth and success of the MnDRIVE Brain Conditions program under his leadership.