Get Involved
PHDR has lots of ways for interested folks to get more involved with health equity work!
Read on to learn more about ways you can get more connected.

Mailing List
PHDR sends out a monthly electronic newsletter!
Subscribe to stay up to date on our events, our fellowships, our internships, our research opportunities, and other ways to get engaged with the work of health equity!
Click here to subscribe!
Note: our newsletter is typically published via Salesforce on the last Tuesday of the month prior to the month in question (e.g. our March Newsletter goes out on the last Tuesday in February). Publishing schedule is subject to change.
If you've signed up and aren't seeing it in your inbox, check your spam filter or folder!
PHDR Membership
Membership Privileges
PHDR members:
Will receive our monthly newsletter
Will be able to present research findings with PHDR co-sponsorship (upon request and approval)
Qualified trainees will be eligible to apply for travel scholarships
Will have opportunities to get “sneak peeks” of upcoming funding opportunities
Will have opportunities to participate in community volunteer events
Will have opportunities to learn about community based participatory research/community-engaged research
Will have opportunities to network with academic & community experts dedicated to health disparities research
Will have opportunities to contribute to the program newsletter
Membership Responsibilities
Acknowledge Program affiliation when appropriate in health disparities-related publications and presentations.
Provide updates to the Program on research projects being done by members' organization(s) and any member's publications in the area of health disparities.
Can I be a member?
PHDR members come from many backgrounds! For example:
Community Members: Anyone with an interest in health disparities, but especially those residing or working in Minnesota!
Faculty: Anyone who holds a faculty appointment at the University of Minnesota (UMN) and has an interest in health disparities.
Trainees: Anyone who holds a training position with an interest in health disparities at UMN.
University Staff: Any and all UMN staff with an interest in health disparities.