Community Travel Awards

Community Travel Awards are now available for the 2024-2025 School Year!  

Apply Here!

The Program in Health Disparities Research (PHDR) in the University of Minnesota’s Medical School supports meritorious health disparities-related projects and research conducted by community members (i.e. NOT University of Minnesota staff, faculty, students, or trainees). Travel awards for community members to attend or present at regional or national health disparities-related conferences are competitively awarded. Funds for these awards are made available by PHDR.

PHDR will contribute up to $1000 each for up to two community members' conference registration fees, transportation and/or lodging expenses. Applications will be accepted from September 1st, 2024. Awards will remain open for application on a rolling basis until assigned.

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Community member travel awards should meet the following criteria:

  • Priority will be given to community member presenting or attending his/her area of expertise at the conference, presentation, or community event, but this is not required.
  • If presenting, the applicant must provide the abstract that was submitted to the conference in the travel award application
  • The conference/meeting or presentation must be relevant to health disparities.
  • No more than one award per person per year, and preference is given to applicants who have not previously received an award
  • Preference will also be given to registered PHDR members. Register to become a PHDR member here. 
  • The requested award should include reimbursement for the following: registration fees, transportation and/or lodging.
  • Provide a brief statement of the goals of the conference, presentation, or community event, and how the event supports the applicant's work in addressing health disparities. Community member applicants should explain how the conference, presentation, or community event supports their professional training and goals OR how the event allows them to disseminate their expertise in an effort to address health disparities related to a specific topic (no more than ½ page).

Agreement for Community Travel Awards

  • If funded, a short written summary of the conference experience must be submitted to PHDR within 1 month after the conference takes place (no more than ½ page). Where appropriate, a brief in-person report at the PHDR monthly meeting on the conference will be requested.
  • PHDR support must be acknowledged in the presentation (PHDR will provide a template for this for either a poster or oral presentation with slides).

Submitting an Application

To submit an application for the travel award, please complete this online application form.

Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified of the application status within two weeks after the deadline.

Awarded Applications

  • Awarded applicants must list PHDR on his/her poster and/or PowerPoint presentation. 
    • The Program name should be listed as: Program in Health Disparities Research at the University of Minnesota Medical School
    • To obtain the official wordmark, please contact PHDR at [email protected]
  • All awards will be made in the form of a reimbursement after the conference. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within two weeks of return. Please submit the following to PHDR, at [email protected]:
    • An invoice with that includes:
      • Name and mailing address for the reimbursement check to be sent
      • Itemized expenses included under the award (e.g. conference registration fees, transportation, and/or lodging)
      • Detailed justification. This should include the name of the conference, location of the conference, dates you attended, title of your presentation.
    • Original receipts
    • A PDF copy of the poster or PowerPoint presented at the conference. The document will be kept in program files.