Frequently Asked Questions
Is the program available to students who are not U.S. citizens?
Yes, but to undergraduate college students only. A J-1 visa will be required (at a cost of $600-700 payable by the applicant). Requirements for the J-1 visa include:
- The individual must be covered by health insurance (purchased at the applicant's expense through the U of M Office of Student Health Benefits).
- The individual must make a minimum of $1,300 per month.
- A letter justifying why the individual is coming to the U.S. must be provided.
Contact International Student & Scholar Services for additional information about obtaining a J-1 visa.
What are the program dates?
2025 program dates:
- Undergraduates: June 2 through August 8, 2025 (10 weeks).
- High school students: June 2 through July 25, 2025 (8 weeks).
Scholars are required to attend Cardiopalooza in late July, 2025.
How many applications do you receive?
Undergraduate applications (8 positions): approximately 50/year
High School applications (2 positions): approximately 70/year
How many positions are available?
There are eight undergraduate and two high school positions available.
Some exceptional applicants who do not make the initial cut will be notified of their placement on a waiting list, and may be offered a position at a later date should one become available.
Will I receive confirmation that you have received all of my application materials?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation via email.
When can I expect to hear if I have been accepted?
Notifications are typically made the first week in March.
I have never before composed a curriculum vitae. Where can I find instructions and/or templates?
There are many examples available online; we do not require a specific format. Feel free to complete a search online for an example of a curriculum vitae. A standard resume is also acceptable.
I will be taking classes this summer. May I attend the SRSP while enrolled in other classes?
No, the Summer Research Scholars Program is a full time endeavor.
What are my options for housing if I’m not from the Twin Cities?
Housing is not provided by the Summer Research Scholars Program.
For applicants 18 years and older, accommodations in University of Minnesota residence halls are available at an extra cost. Contact the University of Minnesota Office of Housing and Residential Life for more info.
For applicants under the age of 18, an adult chaperone is required for accomodation in University housing. The adult chaperone must live with the applicant and pay an additional cost. Alternatively, minor age applicants may make off-campus housing arrangements with family or friends in the area.