Curriculum & Schedules

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Residents have protected didactic time one afternoon per week (12-4pm). Didactics are offered in 12-week blocks with reserved time every week for a brown bag lunch during which residents across all four years have the opportunity to socialize and discuss with the residency leadership team.


The first and second-year residents are paired up for didactics. The first and second-year didactics focus on essentials of clinical psychiatry and include sessions on the Introduction to Psychiatric Care, Introduction to Residency, Practice, Clinical Skills, Diagnostic formulation and Assessment, Fundamentals of psychopharmacology, Emergency psychiatry, Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and Neuroscience. We include specific domains of psychiatry such as Forensics, Addiction, Sexuality, Therapy modalities, as well as Systems-based practice. Reproductive psychiatry is also introduced and yearly PRITE reviews done.


The third and fourth-year residents are also paired up for didactics. Their didactics consists of Advanced clinical psychopharmacology, Advanced therapy practice:psychodynamic, dialectical behavioral, and cognitive behavioral therapies, Neurology: sleep, neurocognitive disorders and neuropsychology, History of psychiatry, Ethics in practice, Integrative psychiatry, Reproductive psychiatry, Interventional psychiatry, Transition to career, and Quality Improvement. The fourth year residents also have didactic blocks focused on preparing for their initial board certification.

Across all four years, we weave the following topics into the curriculum:structural & cultural competency, advocacy, leadership and interprofessionalism, managing conflict, and improving communication.


As a resident, you may choose to engage in clinical electives in a number of specialized areas and sites:

  • Addiction (UMMC or VA)
  • Center for Sexual Health (UMMC)
  • Community-based Ambulatory Psychiatry (CUHCC, various community and rural sites)
  • Consult-Liaison (multiples sites including Primary Care and OB clinics)
  • ECT (UMMC)
  • Geropsychiatry (VA)
  • Neuromodulation/Interventional Psychiatry
  • Palliative Care
  • Perinatal Psychiatry (Hennepin County Medical Center, Abbott Northwestern Hospital or UMMC)
  • Primary Care/Mental Health Integration (VA)
  • PTSD (VA)
  • Public/Forensic (Anoka or St. Peter)
  • Sleep Medicine (VA & Southdale)
  • Psychotherapy
    • Family Psychoeducation
    • Family Therapy, Anxiety Interventions
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • Cognitive Processing
    • Prolonged Exposure
    • Time-Limited Psychodynamic Therapy
    • Motivational Interviewing
    • DBT

Psychotherapy Training

We are committed to offering a strong education in evidence-based psychotherapy. We emphasize that all interactions we have with our patients are an important ground for learning about and applying patient-centered psychotherapy principles. 

First year residents learn basic principles of psychotherapy to apply to their inpatient work, including motivational interviewing and common factors of psychotherapy.

PGY-2s begin their formal psychotherapy training in the outpatient clinic, receiving individual and group supervision while providing weekly Supportive Psychotherapy to two patients weekly. Didactics include:
    •    Introduction to Psychotherapy
    •    Motivational Interviewing (MI)
    •    Supportive Psychotherapy
    •    Psychodynamic Theory
    •    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    •    Family Therapy
    •    Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
    •    Cultural Competency
    •    Spirituality

PGY-3 residents continue their psychotherapy education with a focus on CBT and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Each resident carries two CBT and two psychodynamic patients during the year, along with medication management patients and one Family Therapy case. Residents also complete a four-month Group Psychotherapy rotation. Additional trainings in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Individualized Resiliency Training (IRT) are also offered. 

In the PGY-4 year, residents continue with their long term outpatient psychotherapy cases, with a focus on psychodynamic work. PGY-4s may also pursue a range of additional psychotherapy elective experiences.

Scholarly Work

As a resident, you will have the opportunity to participate in both required and optional scholarly work.

Required: all PGY2s are required to present during VA Grand Rounds, and all residents will be required to participate in our Quality Improvement curriculum and to help complete one team QI project. All residents will also be asked to participate at least once during their residency in our Morbidity and Mortality conference. By the end of your PGY4 year, you will be asked to complete one other scholarly work that reflects your chosen individualized learning path and/or area of focus. This could include preparation of a poster to present at a regional or national meeting, a local or regional presentation or talk, a journal article, etc.

Optional: we have multiple opportunities for teaching medical students and engaging in near-peer mentoring on many of your rotations. For those of you with research interests or who are committed to the Research Track, you will work with your research mentors to plan for and develop additional scholarly projects.

Leadership Opportunities

A key goal of our residency program is to support the development of future psychiatric leaders for Minnesota and beyond. We are always eager to learn about your leadership goals and to develop individualized opportunities for you to grow these skills.   

Chief Resident: the Chief Resident role is held by a PGY-4 resident, chosen by the Program Director and co-residents, who has demonstrated educational, mentorship, and/or administrative leadership strengths and interests. We are planning on expanding additional leadership opportunities for all senior residents– stay tuned!

University of Minnesota Medical School Residency Leadership Academy  
The Medical School’s Resident Leadership Academy provides training for residents to broaden their leadership skills as they move towards their professional goals. Its mission is to foster teamwork and collaboration to drive mutual accountability within the Medical School and across departments and disciplines. Another goal is to facilitate the development and recruitment of physicians capable of becoming highly effective organizational leaders in the Medical School.

Resident participants in the Resident Leadership Academy are nominated by their department and selected by a committee. Our department often has active and highly engaged representation in the academy! Dr. Kaz Nelson is the faculty director. Learn more.

Individualized Leadership Apprenticeship Experiences
We are ready to design individualized elective and apprenticeship experiences based on your unique leadership interests. These can include working with the Vice-Chair for Clinical Affairs to learn about healthcare system leadership; working with one of the Department Councils – Clinical, Education, or Inclusive Excellence – to understand the operational needs of the department’s mission areas; or serving on Task Forces and QI projects. Please let Department Chair Dr. Sophia Vinogradov know if you have these interests.



Year 1 is spent on inpatient units where Neurology and Primary Care requirements are completed and general inpatient Psychiatry training is begun. Residents rotate at the University of Minnesota Medical Center (UMMC), the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital, and the Minneapolis VA Medical Center (VAMC).

  • 6 months of Inpatient Psychiatry (avg. 5 months at UMMC, 1 month at VAMC)
  • 2 months of Neurology (VAMC)
  • 2 months of Internal Medicine (VAMC)
  • 1 month of Pediatrics (University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital)
  • 1 month of Emergency Medicine (UMMC)

Average Workweek

  • Inpatient Psychiatry: 50 hours per week
  • Inpatient Pediatrics: 50-55 hours per week
  • Neurology Consults: 45 hours per week
  • Emergency Medicine: 40 hours per week
  • Inpatient Medicine: 50 hours per week

Night & Weekend Duties

  • Inpatient Pediatrics: 6 days a week, no overnight duties
  • Inpatient Medicine: 1 weekend day shift per week, no overnight duties, no call
  • Inpatient Neurology: Work one weekend day per month, no call
  • EMMD: No overnight or weekends
  • Inpatient Psychiatry: 6 weekday evening call shifts per month with PGY-2 senior Weekends and holidays are protected. No overnight call.

Year 2 introduces specialty areas such as Consultation-Liaison, Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Geropsychiatry, Forensics and Addiction. One-half day per week is also spent in outpatient psychotherapy training.

Sample schedule

  • July - Child and Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry (UMMC)
  • August – Inpatient Psychiatry (UMMC)
  • September – MICD (UMMC)
  • October – Nightfloat
  • November – Geropsychiatry (VAMC)
  • December – Inpatient Psychiatry (UMMC)
  • January – Neuromodulation (various)
  • February – Consult/Liaison (VAMC)
  • March - Child and Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry (UMMC)
  • April – Nightfloat
  • May – Dayfloat (UMMC)
  • June – Elective
  • Supportive Psychotherapy Clinic: Tuesday afternoon (September to June)
  • Emergency Psychiatry during C/L, Gero, and Nightfloat blocks

Average Workweek

40-60 hours.

Night & Weekend Duties

  • 4-8 weeks of night float throughout the year (5 nights on, 2 nights off). Six hours in-house call per shift, shared amongst residents. Remainder of call shift is home call
  • Twice per month 24-hour call shifts at the VAMC while on UMMC inpatient services.

Year 3 provides 12 months of continuous outpatient training as well as experiences in community mental health and group/family therapies.

Sample Schedule

  • Resident Psychiatry Clinic
  • Child Anxiety Clinic
  • Group Therapy
  • Women’s Group
  • Family Therapy
  • CBT
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • CUHCC (Community University Health Care Center) Clinic

Average Workweek

40-50 hours.

Night & Weekend Duties

None required by the residency program.


Year 4 activities are available at a variety of sites according to a resident’s interests. Opportunities include the Child-Adolescent Fellowship (fast-track after PGY3) and a variety of outpatient practice settings, including required experiences as a supervisory resident, working with junior residents and medical students. A chief resident and research opportunities are also offered.

Sample Schedule

  • VA Internal Medicine Clinic (as a Psych consultant)
  • DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) at UMMC
  • UMMC Resident Psychiatry Clinic
  • 1 month on Station 12 (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit) at UMMC
  • Smiley’s Family Medicine Clinic (Integrated Care)
  • Substance Use Disorders

Average Workweek

40-50 hours

Nighttime & Overnight Duties

None required by the residency program. 


Residents are eligible to moonlight after the PGY-2 year and once Step/COMPLEX exams have been passed. Most residents who moonlight choose to do so at the VAMC.