The Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Minnesota offers one fully integrated — Child & Adolescent Psychiatry — and four other fellowship programs.

Statements and Values

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Antiracism Statement

The Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences condemns racism, discrimination, and oppression in all forms. We affirm that racism and oppression are public health crises with serious mental health consequences for the communities we serve.

We affirm the Joint Statement on Antiracism put forth by the Association for Academic Psychiatry that condemns the long history of structural racism in our institutions. As psychiatrists and educators, we pledge to take the lead in educating ourselves and others to address these issues head-on.

We commit to listen to and promote Black, Indigenous and People of Color. We also commit to amplify their calls for change. Our work is guided by the following principles:

  • Amplify the voices of those most directly affected by racism and oppression to restore justice. Racism and oppression are not their responsibility to solve; the responsibility to dismantle racism falls on those who have benefited from it.
  • Ensure a just, equitable, and inclusive educational, clinical, and research environment. Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s mission statement and ongoing initiatives address diversity in all forms as the path to excellence in each of our mission areas.
  • Take all needed steps to identify and dismantle unjust and inequitable systems, as individuals and collectively. This includes systems of white supremacy – a political or socioeconomic system in which white people benefit from a structural advantage (privilege) over other ethnic groups – on both a collective and individual level, as well as other forms of oppression and discrimination within our medical school, our university, and society at large.

In line with these departmental principles, the UMN Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Education Council commits to the following actions:

  • Lead and engage in national conversations on racial justice and the dismantlement of systems of white supremacy in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences based on what we have learned by listening to Black, Indigenous, and people of color in Minnesota and around the world. 
  • Affirm and broadcast widely our anti-racism statement and action steps.
  • Implement the curriculum developed by the American Psychiatric Association Black Caucus, entitled, “Stress and Trauma Toolkit: for Treating Historically Marginalized Populations in a Changing Political and Social Environment,” in Departmental graduate medical education programs.
  • Engage in proactive outreach, support, and mentorship of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, including current trainees, matched trainees and applicants engaged in the recruitment process.
  • Use the lens of diversity as a high-priority factor during recruitment and applicant ranking activities, utilizing best practices as outlined by the Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and by the Medical School Office of Education.

Fellowship Programs

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Addiction Medicine Fellowship

The Addiction Medicine Fellowship is a one-year training program that focuses on the care for persons with unhealthy substance use, substance use and other addictive disorders. The goal of the fellowship is to become an expert in the prevention, clinical evaluation, treatment and ongoing care of persons with addiction. The training includes experiences in consult/liaison, adolescents with substance use, pharmacotherapies, withdrawal management, and outpatient therapies and is informed by a wide range of evidence-based therapies.

Graduates will be trained to be a leader in hospitals, addiction treatment programs, academic programs, and primary care with specific addiction expertise. The fellowship is open to physicians of all specialties and is accredited by ACGME and the American Board of Addiction Medicine.

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship

Our Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) Fellowship is a developmentally focused, two-year, ACGME-accredited training program in the biological, psychotherapeutic, and socio-cultural interventions for psychiatric illness in youth. Psychiatry residents can apply after four years of general psychiatry residency, or alternatively on an accelerated timeline (Fast-track) to enter the CAP Fellowship after their third year of residency.

The mission of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is to train child psychiatry fellows to diagnose and treat mental illness in children from infancy through 18 years of age and their families.  The child psychiatry fellow will understand biological underpinnings and vulnerabilities, environmental and family influences, interactions with medical illness, and neurological concomitants of the illnesses.

Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

Forensic Psychiatry Fellows develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes leading to proficiency in psychiatric expertise in legal matters; systems issues involved in mental health care delivery to forensic populations; and legal regulation of psychiatric practice.

Geriatric Fellowship

In the coming years, we will see a growing number of older persons with psychiatric disorders. They have rich life stories that interact with the challenges of aging and medical illness. Geriatric psychiatrists work at the mind-body connection using somatic, individual and social interventions to treat illness, relieve suffering and enhance function. In addition, geropsychiatrists play a unique and meaningful role on interdisciplinary teams that care for older adults. Supporting the practice of geriatric psychiatry are clinically proven therapies based on a solid foundation of knowledge and skill.

The University of Minnesota Geropsychiatry Fellowship offers an ACGME accredited, one-year fellowship for interested graduates of an accredited psychiatry residency. Our program emphasizes building expertise in diagnosis and treatment, integration with geriatric medicine and use of a multidisciplinary team approach to care.

Neuromodulation Medicine Fellowship

The University of Minnesota Medical School recently established an innovative one-year multidisciplinary Subspecialty Fellowship program in Neuromodulation Medicine. Participating Departments are Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation Medicine. The program is recognized as an ACGME Non-Standard Training (NST) program and is funded through the Discoveries and treatments for Brain Conditions area of the Minnesota Discovery and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) initiative.

The main goal of the fellowship is to provide the opportunity to develop the expertise necessary to evaluate and manage patients with neuromodulation-amenable disorders using specialized procedures and techniques. It is the intent of the University of Minnesota Neuromodulation Medicine training program to develop neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and rehabilitation medicine specialists into competent, independent neuromodulation subspecialists. Fellows will receive extensive training in the use of neuromodulation for clinical evaluation treatment and rehabilitation across a wide range for modalities, with emphasis on the specialty of the trainee. Fellows are expected to rotate in all disciplines and be involved with research.