Psychiatry Interest Group

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The Psychiatry Interest Group is sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Minnesota. We have an email listserv that provides updates to students about psychiatry-related activities and events. Please contact the UME coordinator ([email protected]) for more information and psychiatry opportunities.

Research Opportunities

U of M Medical Student research postings are available for ACTIVE University of Minnesota Medical School students in good standing.

Support for Academic Conference Participation

Thanks to the generosity of the Nissen Fund to support psychiatry trainee research, psychiatry residents, fellows, psychology trainees rotating within our department, and medical students highly committed to the field of psychiatry are eligible to receive up to $1000 in grant support for academic conference participation (travel, registration fees, lodging, and/or transportation). Students must provide evidence they are presenting scholarly work, such as a poster, workshop, or other similar activity. There is a limited number of grants per academic year based on available funds. Travel grants are not guaranteed and will vary based on number of interested students, and previous grant awards. Criteria are subject to change. The Department of Psychiatry Education Council serves as the administering body of these grants and will make any necessary determinations related to the nature of the scholarly work and if a sufficient minimal threshold of eligibility is met. Grants may be requested by completing this form.