Immunology Journal Club and SuperGroup
Immunology Journal Club and Super Group Calendar
To view Immunology Journal Club time slots visit the Z link for more info, if the calendar fails to load link here.
Immunology Journal Club
- Immunology Journal Club- is a weekly gathering of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to evaluate recent immunological articles with an interactive discussion. To view presenter schedule and links for papers click here
Every Monday at 3:00 p.m. in 2-143 WMBB or via Zoom
Super Group
- Immunology Super Group- is a weekly meeting in which graduate students and postdocs from CFI laboratories present their research work in progress to the entire CFI community. The calendar on the main CFI page will have the lab listed that is presenting each week.
Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in 1-125 CCRB or via