Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity in Research Education
The Center for Immunology in partnership with The University of Minnesota Office for Equity and Diversity, The Graduate School, the Office for Diversity in Graduate Education and with the Medical School's Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for all students, staff and faculty at the University of Minnesota.
April 2021
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have witnessed a rise in racist incidents against members of the Asian community; culminating in the shooting in Atlanta. In response, we wanted to offer our support to those dealing with the stress and trauma of current and past events. We hope this letter of support marks the beginning of an end to the culture of silence around discrimination experienced by AAPI members of the CFI. Now is a time when we can renew and reflect on our commitments to create an inclusive work environment and actively engage in work that counteracts bias in the CFI community.
For those who are seeking an outlet to communicate their experiences and/or recommendations, feel free to contact either AIRECFI leadership Additional university resources to navigate experiences of harassment and discrimination are below.
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) Office
Student Conflict Resolution Center
Warm Regards,
Association of Immunologists for Racial Equity (AIRE, formerly ReJUS) leadership team
Marc Jenkins, CFI Director
Kris Hogquist, CFI Associate Director
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
University of Minnesota (UMN) Center for Immunology (CFI) leaders are responsible for carrying out CFI’s mission to coordinate and promote efforts in basic immunology research, education, and clinical applications at the UMN.
CFI leaders believe that the talents needed for excellence in immunology research, education, and clinical application are distributed equally among people from different racial groups and with different gender and sexual orientations. Therefore, CFI leaders believe that the frequency of people in these groups in the CFI should match the society at large. However, we recognize that the frequency of people in CFI from under-represented racial groups, or who are women, or who have a LGBTQ+ sexual identity currently does not match the society at large. Therefore, these groups are under-represented within the CFI.
CFI leaders believe that a humane, diverse, and inclusive environment will help all members maximize their contributions to immunology research, education, and clinical application. Based on our own 2020 survey data however, we have also come to realize that CFI members from under-represented racial groups, or who are women, or who have a LGBTQ+ sexual identity feel dismissed, diminished, or ignored while working in CFI more often than people in majority groups.
These beliefs and evidence commit CFI leaders to the following actions:
- Develop novel strategies to recruit top-notch immunologists from under-represented racial groups and/or who are women for faculty, staff, and trainee positions at the CFI. Progress will be evaluated after a five-year period of intense effort.
- Support the work of CFI-sponsored Empowering Women in Science (EWIS)Association of Immunologists for Racial Equity (AIRE, formerly ReJUS) groups.
- Provide training on diversity, equity, and inclusion issues for all CFI members and require this training for all incoming members. Training will include a video from the CFI Director on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the CFI community.
- Perform the CFI work climate survey annually to assess progress in the diversity, equity, and inclusion area.
- Hold CFI members to the Board of Regents Code of Conduct
- Provide research and career discovery opportunities for science-oriented students who are people of color and/or women.
- Work to improve the UMN tenure code’s emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion work.
- Host educational seminars on race and gender equity in the sciences.
- Establish a hot line where CFI members can report incidents during which they were dismissed, diminished, or ignored.
UMN and Medical School Resources
For Students and Staff
For Faculty
- Affinity Groups
- BIPOC Mental Health Collective
- Center for Spirituality and Healing: How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety
- Center for Educational Innovation Teaching Resources – Anti-Racism Resources for Higher Ed
- Center for Educational Innovation Teaching Resources –Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed
- Faculty Fighting Racism, created by the Graduate School Diversity Consultation TeamMental Health Resources
- International Student and Scholar Services
- OED Resources for Faculty and Staff
- OED Education Program and Resources
- Safe Campus Resource
- U of M Diversity Community of Practice
- UMD Campus Climate Website
Twin Cities Resources
National Programs & Resources
UMN Workshops
The Office for Equity and Diversity also offer Workshops that focus on a wide range of equity and diversity issues in higher education. They can also be customized for individual unit needs and concerns.
For more info. access OED's resource guide for a listing of books, articles, videos, websites, and blogs tied to equity and diversity.
PROJECT IMPLICIT: Project Implicit is a nonprofit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet. Learn more or take a test here >>
View a recording of a special webinar--Learning from this Moment: Understanding Privilege and Advancing Racial Equity--presented by the Staff Advancing Diversity and Inclusion (SADI) Leadership Committee and featuring guest speakeAnne Phibbs, PhD Founder and President of Strategic Diversity Initiatives.
Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation (ISRDI) Summer Diversity Fellowship Program
The Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation is recruiting students for ISRDI's Summer Diversity
Fellowship program. The Diversity Fellowship is designed to help recruit diverse undergraduate and graduate
students to work with Minnesota Population Center (MPC) and Life Course Center (LCC) member faculty and
with its demographic data resources. This is an excellent opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate
students, at any point in their career, interested in sharpening skills and exploring interests in quantitative data
analysis, data processing, statistical software packages, etc. More project details and application instructions
are provided here.
Reading and Media Resources
Articles and Books:
- A Leadership Position We Aren’t Prepared For. By Jen Heemstra, Charles Allen Thomas Professor
of Chemistry and chair of the Department of Chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis - Anti-Racism Reading Lists from the U of M Libraries
- An Introduction to Race, Gender, and Disability: Intersectionality, Disability Studies, and Families of Color, Liat Ben-Moshe and Sandy Magaña, 2014
- Are Women Held to a Higher Standard in Publishing?, Sylvia Goodman, December 30, 2022, The Chronicle
- Between the world and me Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Black Marxism Cedric J. Robinson
- BlindSpot: hidden biases of good people Mahzarin R. Banaji, Anthony G. Greenwald
- Dying of whiteness Jonathan M. Metzl
- Fatal invention - how science, politics, and big business re-create race in the twenty-first century Dorothy Roberts
- Health Disparities at the Intersection of Disability and Gender Identity, DREDF, 2018
- How to be an anti-racist Ibram Kendi
- How to better support Black trainees in the biomedical sciences Angeline Dukes
- How to Prevent Discrimination in Your Workplace, EmploymentLawHandbook.com
- How to Provide a Multicultural Education, published by Baylor University's online EdD program
- How we get free Edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
- Identifying Correlates of Peer and Faculty/Staff Sexual Harassment in US Students. Pat Frazier, Kayla Huber, Katie Lust, and Jan-Louw Kotze.
- Just mercy: a story of justice and redemption Bryan Stevenson
- Letter from Birmingham jail Dr. Martin Luther King
- Me and white supremacy: combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor Layla F. Saad
- Paving the way for physicians with disabilities, Stacy Weiner, 2019
- Pride in Science, Nature, 2014, 513, 297
- Radical women-only hiring policy improves diversity at Dutch university. Science, 2024
- Redefining realness Janet Mock
- Sex bias in pain management decisions. PNAS, 2024. Additional commentary provided by Science.
- Sister outsider Audre Lorde
- Stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racist ideas in America Ibram Kendi
- The blacker the berry Wallace Thurman
- The bluest eye Toni Morrison
- The body Is not an apology Sonya Renee Taylor
- The condemnation of blackness Khalil Gibran Muhammad
- The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot
- The Negro artist and the racial mountain Langston Hughes
- The new Jim Crow Michelle Alexander
- The Status of Women and Girls in Minnesota
- The winged seed Li Young Lee
- Understanding Disability Bias in Medicine, Camilla Curren, 2018
- Well-read Black girl Edited by Glory Edim
- West Indian immigrants Suzanne Model
- What if I say the wrong thing? Verna A Myers
- Whistling Vivaldi Claude Steele
White Fragility Tobin DiAngelo
News Articles/blogs
Report: The Status of Women and Girls in Minnesota: a collaborative research project between the Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy and the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
Externals Websites
Funding Opportunities
Have you experienced inappropriate behavior?
Learn about filing a mistreatment, harassment, or abuse report.

2023 Environment Survey
CFI, in collaboration with Empowering Women in Science (EWIS), surveyed our members in December 2020 and October 2023 to evaluate the work environment and diversity within our center. Special thanks to Milagros Silva Morales and Justin Spanier for their efforts on the 2023 survey, and to all who participated.
We repeated many questions to gauge the impact of our improvements since 2020. Attached is a comparison of the survey results. While the data is extensive, I encourage you to focus on slides 3-5, 8, and 9, which highlight our progress in diversity and inclusivity.
However, there is still room for improvement. Variations in perceptions based on gender, race, and sexual orientation persist, and our DEI training efforts need reinvigoration. The survey indicates a strong demand for effective training, so we will collaborate with Dr. Nunez's office to enhance our offerings. We also welcome any additional suggestions for improvement.