Upcoming Training and Discussion Seminars

Fall 2024 Events

Watch the School of Public Health’s SPH Antiracism Animated Video Series: Equality vs. Equity vs. Justice
Check out the third video in the School of Public Health's antiracism animated video series: How do we make health data more equitable? The video highlights how health science data is often WEIRD, or representative of Western/White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic populations. Ensuring research participants and teams are non-WEIRD helps our community promote accurate and equitable public health data.

SADI (Staff Advancing Diversity and Inclusion)

SADI (Staff Advancing Diversity and Inclusion) invites ALL staff to join a safe space to grow and learn no matter where you are in your DEI development. Whether you have a lot, a little, or no time to prepare ahead of our conversations, we welcome your presence:
Learn More About How to Participate in SADI If you are not already receiving email communications from SADI, consider signing up for SADI listserv to stay connected and be the first to know about upcoming events, opportunities, and more.