In-Person Transplant Conference

 Transplantation in People with HIV: The Journey with Peter Stock, MD, PhD – Professor of Surgery, University of California San Francisco

Learning Objectives: 

  1. To learn updated inclusion/exclusion criteria for allotransplantation in people with HIV 
  2. To learn the nuances of managing solid organ transplants in people with HIV 
  3. To learn strategies for optimal utilization of HIV positive deceased donor allografts

Hosted by the Transplantation Division. This hour-long weekly conference invites key speakers from around the world to present on all different topics related to Transplant. While traditionally held via Zoom, the May 23rd lecture will have an in-person option.

Event Details
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Zoom option available here.

Meeting ID: 664 681 953
Passcode: TxConf2024

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