Our vision is to be the preeminent department of surgery in Minnesota, serving patients of the world where groundbreaking research and exceptional training come together to produce the unrivaled care that we demand for our loved ones.


Beginning more than a century ago, surgeons at the University of Minnesota have established a legacy of excellence in medical practice, innovation, and training.

faculty and staff
Faculty & Staff

The experts within our department specialize in everything from basic research, to the history of medicine, to surgical education and many other areas.

View Staff here.

2022 Spring Najarian Tribute Dinner Gala
News & Events

Check out the latest stories and media coverage from across our department, along with conferences, lectures, and other upcoming events.

Dr. Owen Wangensteen in 1955
Wangensteen Alumni Society

The Wangensteen Surgical Alumni Society is dedicated to training the next generation of clinical surgeons, surgeon-scientists and surgeon leaders.