Get Involved


The Global Surgery & Health Disparities Resident Education Fund was established to support resident educational opportunities aimed at identifying and reducing surgical disparities in resource-limited communities - both domestically and internationally. The costs associated with sending our residents to locations like Rwanda and Shiprock, NM are significant, and we rely on philanthropy to make those away rotations possible.


Monthly Forum

The Global Surgery & Disparities Program Monthly Forum seeks to bring together anyone - in the UMN medical community and beyond - with an interest in engaging the UMGSD program’s mission. Forums feature a rotating slate of guest presenters who will share their expertise as it relates to the four main objectives of our program. The Monthly Forum is intended to push the GS&D Program to continue producing relevant, forward-thinking content that encourages broader participation in our work. It also serves as an easy access point for those who are interested in learning more about the program but aren’t ready to participate in a research project or another more focused effort.

Email for more information:

Research Group

The multidisciplinary Global Surgery & Disparities Program Research Group gathers monthly to discuss current and future research efforts. Projects cut across surgical specialties - including women's health - and typically focus on low- and middle-income countries, as well as rural, AI/AN, and other historically underserved populations domestically.

Email for more information:

Journal Club

Journal Clubs are led by medical students from the University of Minnesota chapter of Global Surgery Student Alliance. Guest speakers are recruited to lead a discussion of 1-2 recent literature pieces in an area of their choice. The GS&D Program publicizes upcoming Journal Clubs and other GSSA events.

Email for more information:

Global Health Research Survey

Do you have global health research opportunities for UMN medical students? We're looking to match students with faculty that have common interests. Data analysis, lit review, lab work, etc.

Submit your opportunity: