Congratulations to Professor Dr. Erik Finger of the Division of Transplantation, recently honored with the Eunice L. Dwan Chair for Diabetes Research Award!

On Friday, December 1, 2023, an intimate recognition ceremony was held inside the campus club to announce Dr. Finger as the present holder of the Eunice L. Dwan Endowed Diabetes Research Chair.

Department of Surgery Chair Dr. Sayeed Ikramuddin officiated the honor by welcoming Dr. Finger on stage and placing the special endowed chair medallion on Dr. Finger with an authorized certificate. The ceremony also included remarks from fellow department leaders -  Dr. Bernhard Hering, the former holder of the Eunice L. Dwan Endowed Diabetes Research Chair, and Division Cheif of Transplantation, Dr. Andrew Adams. 

Endowed scholar positions are one of the highest forms of recognition, paying tribute to a highly accomplished faculty member who has made significant contributions to the department.

The Eunice L Dwan Endowed Diabetes Research Chair was established in 2001 to attract and/or retain an outstanding faculty member in the area of diabetes research. By encouraging and supporting cutting-edge medical research, Mrs. Dwan hoped to improve health for future generations as a positive response to her family's experience and concerns with this challenging disease.

"As an endowed gift, the recognition of Mrs. Dwan's contributions to the field will last into perpetuity, allowing the University to recruit and retain the best and brightest in the field of diabetes research," said Dr. Ikramuddin. 

Recently, Dr. Finger and co-PI John Bischof, PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, published their study on
a new method of pancreatic islet cryopreservation, making it a critical step toward a diabetes cure.