UMN Researchers Perform the First Successful Transplant of a Functional Cryopreserved Rat Kidney

The article "Frozen in Time," published in Sciencedetails how scientists are using cryopreservation to store living organs, tissues & whole organisms and later revive them.

UMN researchers, including Professor in the Division of Transplantation Dr. Erik Finger, transplant surgeon-in-training Dr. Joseph Sushil Rao, biomedical engineer John Bischof, and mechanical engineering postdoctoral researcher Zonghu Han are all mentioned for their efforts in leading this groundbreaking research, which could have a significant impact on future organ transplantation in humans.

As Dr. Rao wrote, "This is a proud moment for us all. It was not easy. But, it paid off." 

Congratulations to the entire team on this incredible achievement on behalf of all of us at the Department of Surgery! 

Read the full article here
