Surgery Update

March 2nd

Vascular Surgery Board.

Amy Reed, MD completed her 12th year in January 2021 as Oral Board examiner for the Vascular Surgery Board.





Remembering another mass vaccination effort in Minn. for polio

[Audio] Jennifer Gunn, PhD was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio with Cathy Wurzer



Blue Ridge Inst.

The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research (BRIMR) released the NIH funding numbers across Medical Schools. Our department Blue Ridge Ranking rose to 32, increasing from 37 in 2019 and 39 in 2018, with a 42% increase in funding from $3.6M (2019) to $5.1M (2020).

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Surgery Update is an official bi-weekly newsletter of the Department of Surgery for faculty, staff, trainees, colleagues and friends.

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Editor: Amanda Brower, DOS Communications Director,